Thursday 7 December 2023

 Karachi Political Diary

Mubasher Mir


Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's speeches and Asif Ali Zardari's TV interview are both being discussed in political circles. But this time his direct gestures were towards his party and home. Earlier in an interview, he had also said that he is bound to obey his father's orders in home matters, but he also has his own opinion in politics. . Although this is not surprising, our political culture generally has a tradition of following in the footsteps of parents.

In Pakistani politics, the way that there is talk of monkey distribution, the positions are being distributed before the elections, this is not only an indication of the immaturity of the system, but pre-poll rigging (pre-election rigging) is starting to show. Asif Zardari's style throughout the interview was not aggressive but pleading. From which it can be estimated how uncertain and worried they are about the upcoming elections. The head of Sindh's caretaker government is also supported by him and he has a long-standing relationship with Asif Zardari. And they are still very close to him. Caretaker Chief Minister Sindh is making exchanges across the province. Especially in the education department, many officers have been transferred and the people of the same department have to perform election duty as well.
The closeness between MQM and Muslim League-N is increasing, these contacts which ended at the time of Hakeem Muhammad Saeed's martyrdom, after that Mian Nawaz Sharif has been giving strong statements regarding MQM. But now MQM and PML-N have come very close. The MQM leadership has talked about changing the constitution. They have said that the 1973 Constitution is the protector of the powerful. In the 18th Amendment, MQM supported the People's Party, for this MQM should apologize to the nation and then start a campaign to change the constitution. Although the constitution of 1973 is unanimous, it was also passed by the members of the assembly of West Pakistan who won under the 1970 election. After the separation of East Pakistan and the formation of Bangladesh, new elections were held there. But in West Pakistan, the new Pakistan was declared as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan under the constitution, but the new mandate was not obtained from the people, which was necessary because the 1970 elections were held as a United Pakistan, and then the then members of the Assembly. The opinion of the majority was not even accepted. This is a historical mistake that will be written in the political history of Pakistan. Now, if there is talk of changing this constitution, first a representative assembly should come into being as a result of transparent elections, the current environment does not indicate the coming into existence of any representative assembly. If transparent elections are held in the country, he will have the power to make any kind of change in the constitution.
After the robbery by a police officer of Karachi, street crimes and kidnapping for ransom are also being considered suspicious. The police is the protector or the robber. The DSP was under the patronage of SP South Umar Qureshi, both of whom have been sacked. The under-trained DSP is said to be the son of a close friend of former Sindh Chief Minister Abdullah Shah. This officer was recruited during the PPP era. According to police sources, there is no direct recruitment in the police at this level in many countries of the world, including the United States and the United Kingdom. There is no ASP cadre either. In America, the developed country of the world, constables are recruited who are promoted to the position of chief constable, reforms in the police department are very necessary, otherwise criminals will continue to rob the public.

A fire broke out in a commercial plaza in the city of Karachi and 11 people went to the valley of death. The irregularities in the construction of multi-story buildings in Karachi are the responsibility of the Sindh Building Control Authority, which is directly under the control of the Sindh government. Big stories of corruption keep coming out in this institution. Its leaders escape from the country by corrupting crores, they get the support of politicians. Builders of Karachi are also called builders mafia for this reason. Where the irregular process is formalized, precious lives are played with. Many more incidents of fire also come to light but nothing comes out, people save their lives by using effective means. In the present unfortunate plaza basic facilities and There were no life saving devices in case of emergency. Every building in the city of Karachi should be inspected and such irregularities should be rectified otherwise people will continue to lose their lives in the same way.

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

Mubasher Mir

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari criticized Mian Nawaz Sharif while speaking in Quetta, Chairman PPP is constantly addressing the former prime minister with critical sentences, but there is not much talk from the Muslim League-N camp. Although some former ministers are responding in one way or another, Mian Shahbaz Sharif or Maryam Nawaz are not criticizing Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. In general, the Muslim League-N and the People's Party are trying to give the impression that they are the real rivals in the field by using rhetoric against each other. But this impression did not fully take hold. The third force, Tehreek-e-Insaf, which ruled for three and a half years and is now at its worst, is still under scrutiny. But since the election of the new PTI chairman, the PTI has not taken an aggressive approach. There is an impression that PTI will get a chance to participate in the elections. But it will be difficult to conduct the election campaign in a vigorous manner, in such a situation PTI candidates will depend on social media and try to give better performance on the election day.

MQM seems to be completely ambiguous, they raise slogans against the oppressive ruler, but so far they have not been able to clarify who they consider to be the oppressor. In the last two governments, they have been a co-ruler. Therefore, they have not yet been able to give a clear message to their voters. Their meetings with PML-N are taking place regarding seat adjustment. The Muslim League-N wants its leaders Mian Nawaz Sharif, Mian Shahbaz Sharif and Maryam Nawaz to contest the elections from Karachi and they are demanding the help of MQM in such seats that they can win. Till now there has been no contact between PML-N and PPP. PML-N is reluctant to do so. PML-N Sindh President Bashir Memon surely knows that he will not be able to get popular support by allying with the People's Party in Sindh.
Although many things have been revealed about the political framework of Sindh and Karachi, many things remain unclear. Muslim League-F leader Safdar Abbasi has criticized the election commission's process of changes in constituencies and changes in voter lists. One wonders how the Election Commission is authorized to transfer the vote of any citizen to another constituency without his will. According to Safdar Abbasi, the Election Commission is doing this at the behest of Asif Zardari. Such a situation is being termed as pre-poll rigging.

The constitutional term of caretaker governments has expired across Pakistan. Sindh's caretaker chief minister, however, has added a minister to his cabinet. Arts Council Karachi president Muhammad Ahmad Shah has been made caretaker minister for information, minority affairs and social protection. It is surprising that the wise and intellectual poet like Iftikhar Arif also participated in this style of political process by participating in the swearing-in ceremony. The opposition group of the Arts Council had issued a message while reacting to the announcement of the Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh that the constitutional term of your government has been completed. In this situation, NAB started an investigation against the person in 2015 , on which no final decision you are adding to the has come out yet , in caretaker cabinet . According to informed sources, this appointment has also been supported by the Governor of Sindh.
The Istehqam Pakistan Party, Ipp, is also trying to gain a foothold in Sindh. The leader of the IPP, the former Governor of Sindh Imran Ismail and the President of Sindh Mahmood Maulvi have also criticized the changes in constituencies by the Election Commission. Pirpagada has also mobilized before the elections. Former Sindh Chief Minister Dr. Arbab Ghulam Rahim along with his son and colleagues participated in their recent meeting. Earlier, former Sindh Chief Minister had joined Tehreek-e-Insaaf. So far no announcement has come from his side to join GDA.

Haleem Adil Sheikh has been elected Sindh President unopposed in the intra-party election held by Tehreek-e-Insaf. This was the way for Tehreek-e-Insaf to hold the election as soon as possible to elect their candidates unopposed so that the mark of the BAT could be saved. The caretaker chief minister of Sindh met the World Bank delegation and discussed the ongoing projects in Sindh. There are many projects under completion in Sindh province by the World Bank, on which work is in progress. The World Bank has been told that the ongoing projects will continue at the same pace and reach completion.

There is a lot of concern regarding the use of official vehicles in the province of Sindh. People not only use government vehicles but also spend petrol from government exchequer. The caretaker government has announced to take back the vehicles from the outgoing ministers and MPA's. How surprising that politicians are brazenly using government vehicles even though they have no mandate for this facility at present. The tendency to waste Pakistan's resources is high among the influential classes, which is a burden on the people.

Thursday 23 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

                    Karachi Political Diary

                           Mubasher Mir

Although the general election has been announced for February 8, the election schedule is still awaited. All political parties are trying to mobilize their workers. But so far the parties in the field have not been able to create any political narrative of their own. Manifestos of political parties will also come out, but before the election, they are trying to influence the people by using rhetoric against each other in the same old and outdated way. In this regard, MQM and PPP have the most rhetoric. Both are trying to restore their old position, MQM wants to stir politics in the name of Muhajir and PPP is trying to try its Sindh card again.

The approach taken to revive Sindhi, migrant politics calls to mind the term "friendly fire". The leaders of both are exchanging verbal fire while in many cases there is no major difference between the two. Perhaps this is the reason why the level of public acceptance of such statements is not what it was in the past as if the people have rejected this style of politics. The obvious reason for both being allies and using resources together is in the minds of the people. MQM was always considered to be a party of Urdu speakers, but due to MQM's style of politics, the people have taken away this mandate from them. Similarly, People's Party was always considered as the party of Sindh, Sindhi speaking people considered it as their own party, but now Sindhi people have other options, JUI-F has continuously won provincial assembly seat from Larkana. 
Muslim League-N has also accelerated these efforts under the leadership of Bashir Memon.  Pirpagada's party Muslim League Functional is also effective in some seats but cannot make a big difference. , political parties' own efforts in their place but taking into account the objective situation, it is clear that in the eyes of the establishment, political families always strengthen the hands of the party coming to power and try to take their share, Jamaat-e-Islami now According to the reports, Tehreek-e-Insaaf plans to go along with it, so the big battle at this time will be to bring change in Karachi City Council.
During the caretaker government, Jamaat-e-Islami has voiced that the Sindh government is not providing the budget for development works in the districts of Karachi where it is the head, while the members of Tehreek-e-Insaf who are delaying the election of Mayor Karachi. They were unable to play their political role, if their return is possible, the situation in the city council can change. Mayor Karachi had held the first meeting in July but so far failed to organize the second meeting. In this way, the City Council system does not seem to be working, if Jamaat-e-Islami and Tehreek-e-Insaf succeed in bringing change together, it will prove to be the forerunner of a great change in the politics of Sindh.

Pakistan People's Party is also preempting it, it is inviting some political families to join the party to strengthen itself. Although the members of the Meher family have joined the party, the politics of Karachi is also very important for the People's Party. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has held a big rally in Mithi. Thar is a very underdeveloped area, where a coal-fired power plant with the support of China is producing successfully. People have also got employment, hence PPP can increase its vote bank due to its role in successful project in Thar. But other areas of Sindh seem to be deprived of development. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has criticized PML-N leader Mian Nawaz Sharif for giving state facilities.

Former President Asif Ali Zardari is also trying his manipulative skills, his goal seems to be to succeed in forming a government in Sindh province again. It is to be seen how far the powerful forces allow their schemes to be successful in this regard. Share trading in the stock exchange is booming, there is load shedding of electricity and gas in the country, industrial production is affected, unemployment has also increased. Yes, but there is a boom in the market shares, of course many companies are also investing in the market shares keeping in mind the desire of the government. This is a significant figure but it is not possible to increase the industrial production by speculation. The government should focus on improving exports, this will lead to real growth.

Friday 17 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

Mubasher Mir

The Muslim League-N has intensified its contacts to make the electoral alliance effective in Sindh regarding the preparation of the general elections. A high-level delegation of MQM had signed an alliance agreement with the leadership of Muslim League-N in Lahore. Apart from this, an alliance has also been made with JUIF, now Khawaja Saad Rafiq, on the instructions of the PML-N leadership, has met Pir Sahib Pagada, the head of the Muslim League Functional. , JUI-F and Muslim League-F, or GDA, are seen forging an electoral alliance. This is the electoral alliance that is coming into being with the blessings of the powerful forces. People's Party and Tehreek-e-Insaf are still standing on the two banks of the river and assessing the speed and depth of the water. The chances of meeting the two sides are also very limited. The People's Party will also not take the risk of alliance with any party against the will of the powerful forces.
PPP leader Shazia Marri's press conference was confusing, as her statement that we did not launch a movement to topple the Tehreek-e-Insaaf government, even though the party leadership had marched on inflation and then repeatedly said that There should be early elections. He played an active role to bring distrust and played a role in it and finally Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the conspiracy to overthrow the Tehreek-e-Insaf government was not in America but in Bilawal House. How can the leaders of the People's Party be ignorant of the events of the recent past? Sindh and especially for the electoral alliance, the PML-N will definitely look at Jamaat-e-Islami, which was a strong competitor in the election of the mayor in the Karachi city election. Mian Nawaz Sharif will definitely be forced to talk to the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami. It is to be seen what decision Jamaat-e-Islami takes in this regard. Because she has also been close to Tehreek-e-Insaaf.
Jamaat-e-Islami has protested the most on the issue of Palestine and raised its voice against atrocities in Palestine. People have also fully participated in the Palestine solidarity rally. In this regard, the leadership of MQM, Muslim League-N and People's Party is seen only to the extent of statements. Differences in the caretaker government of Sindh have intensified. The purchase of robots for robotic surgery has become a cause of conflict between the Sindh Chief Minister and the Health Minister.
The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh called a meeting of the Ministry of Health and expressed his anger on the performance of the Health Department, while the Caretaker Health Minister was not present in the meeting.  Caretaker Health Minister Dr. Saad Khalid Niaz has also given his position. He believes that robotic surgery is an expensive treatment. While people are suffering from basic health problems. According to him, billions of rupees are being wasted. Robots had been ordered before but could not be used in this way. The surprising thing is that if the Health Minister is raising questions regarding the purchase of robots, then why is the Chief Minister of Sindh adamant that a huge amount of money should be spent for the purchase of robots.

Complaints regarding education and health in Sindh province have been coming to the fore even during the previous government's tenure. Especially in many districts and towns of Sindh, the situation looks very bad. Although the Sindh government has been giving grants of about 89 billion to health institutions, the health problems remain the same. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh had also ordered an audit of the grants given to about 34 large NGOs, but no report has come out in this regard yet.
The MQM leadership has complained that the constitution of Pakistan provides protection to the powerful but not to the common people. It is correct in principle, but it is better for a political party to do its part than to be suspicious, MQM has been a powerful party in Karachi, it has the skills to be a part of power, but that party too.  The political party should give a program for how the basic rights of the people will be protected. And what role will his party play in it?
A delegation of Muslim League-N has met MQM. Although both sides have reiterated that a formula for equitable distribution of resources should be set, it remains to be seen how the political parties stick to this approach post-election. The delegation of Muslim League-N is also continuing the series of meetings with other political parties. In this regard, the possibility of PML-N becoming a grand alliance in Sindh seems bright.

Umme Rabab Chandio, who has been following the  murder case for the last six years, when two members of her family, including her father, were killed, has alleged that the accused have been threatening her. . Accordingly, senior police officers should take notice, as there are serious threats to their lives. Umm Rabab Chandio's father, uncle and grandfather were killed. She has been going round the courts for six years continuously for justice, but till now the justice is delayed. The Chief Justice of Pakistan should focus on such cases where the evidence is clear. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Thursday 9 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

Karachi Political Diary
Mubasher Mir

Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori strongly criticized the current system of politics and Birmala said that elections are coming and those who take turns are coming together again. This does not create signs of improvement in the country, this type of government has pushed Pakistan backward. Sindh Governor made the aggressive speech in his speech while attending the release ceremony of a book written on Pakistan-China relations as a special guest at a local hotel.

The Consul General of the People's Republic of China was also present at the event and other important personalities also spoke about Pakistan-China relations, but the Governor of Sindh adopted a different approach. He said that we have not learned anything from China, their working methods. should have adopted But our country, despite having many resources, could not develop as much as it should, the friendly country is also seeking assistance from Saudi Arabia. We have to stand on our own feet. We can train the youth in information technology and make them employable. IT training for youth has been organized in Governor House Sindh in collaboration with civil society which will be completed very soon.
Governor Sindh spoke from the heart and only reforms in the current political system can bring better political leadership in Pakistan. If seen, their words are 100% correct. There is no such thing as democracy in the political parties of Pakistan. In Pakistani politics, the element of heredity is dominant, there is a monopoly of families, in such a situation, where is the ideal, it is difficult to have a normal style of politics. Political families come to power by having direct relations with the powerful forces, that is why the people are not given importance after gaining power, this is the tragedy of the country's politics.
In 21 districts of Sindh, the stage of by-elections of municipalities has been completed. The results of this election also came in favor of the People's Party. People's Party is now the ruling party in the local bodies. The Provincial Caretaker Government should enable the local bodies and it should not be difficult for them to get funds. In the past, there were many complaints from the Sindh government of People's Party to the local bodies that they were not given powers, while it was also difficult to get funds for development works, but the caretaker government needs to pay special attention to the local bodies. The system of basic democracy will be functional only because of the local bodies. If there is work in small towns and villages, then the problems of the common people will be solved. Any kind of discrimination against local bodies is anti-people.
On the occasion of the National Day of Russia, a ceremony was held at the Consulate General of Russia in Karachi, in which the Chief Minister of Sindh and the Governor of Sindh were the special guests. Both the personalities expressed their good wishes regarding Pakistan-Russia relations. Russia is a great country with very little trade with Pakistan. Pakistani business community should take advantage of good relations with Russia and increase Pak-Russia trade. Pakistan is importing wheat from Russia, although we are an agricultural country, but we are not self-sufficient even in our basic food. We must learn from our friendly countries how we can increase our yield per acre. There is a good opportunity for the Pakistani business community to make a place in the Russian market. Most of Pakistan's products can find their market in Russia. Russian ambassadors and consulates have already said in this regard that Russia is always ready to increase business relations.
Caretaker Chief Minister Sindh met the country manager of the World Bank and discussed the rehabilitation of the flood victims. Much work is still needed in flood-prone areas. Many families could not fully recover. Pakistan is working with international financial institutions. But public safety in flood-prone areas remains intact. The Caretaker Chief Minister has continued the series of inspections in various districts and institutions and has also suspended some officers, but other ministers are not so active in their departments.
 The Caretaker Chief Minister has expressed his desire to renovate Shahrah Faisal and that this important highway should be further upgraded. Surprisingly, the previous government had also upgraded Shahrah Faisal. Attention should also be given to the dilapidated roads. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh has met the Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan and informed Iran about the ongoing programs especially in Karachi. Karachi Circular Railway is a major project that requires federal guarantee. The Chief Minister of Sindh has informed the Prime Minister in this regard so that after that the work on this project can be started.
 In the Karachi Stock Exchange, the index is rapidly moving towards higher heights and this is also giving an impression of improving the economic condition of the country. The general perception is that investment has stalled in many housing societies. Currency and gold markets are also volatile. Even in such a situation, investors have turned to market shares and this is also giving them benefits. Commercial banks are also investing in it. But over investing in betting business can also prove to be harmful. These institutions should pay special attention to risk management.

Friday 3 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

Mubasher Mir

A grand event was held at the Consulate of Turkey on the occasion of the centenary of Independence Day, in which political, social, business figures from across the city also participated, as well as media representatives. On this occasion, the Governor of Sindh and the Chief Minister of Sindh were the chief guests and the Consul General of Turkey emphasized to work for further improvement in the diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Turkey. Pakistan and Turkey are the leading countries that support each other clearly even on international forums. Turkey accepts Pakistan's position on the Kashmir issue as correct While Pakistan has always declared Turkey's support for the Cyprus dispute between Turkey and Greece. Thus both countries are very close to each other. There are opportunities for further improvement in the relations between Pakistan and Turkey, especially the development of economic and cultural relations is very important. The people of both the countries also respect each other very much and value each other.

Russia's ambassador to Pakistan, based in Islamabad, visited Karachi and specifically attended the Foreign Affairs Council dinner. He said in his speech that Pakistan is very important to him. There is a big difference between the Soviet Union of the past and the Russia of today. We want to move forward economically. There is a lot of potential for trade and tourism development between the two countries. In response to a question, the Russian ambassador said that we want to work together with all the political parties of Pakistan and we have worked with different rulers in the past. In response to a question regarding the sale of arms to Ukraine, he said that the official explanation given by Pakistan is appropriate. But according to informed sources, Russia expressed its reservations regarding this alleged report to Pakistan at the diplomatic level. But Pakistan has not directly sold any arms to Ukraine. The Caretaker Federal Minister of Finance has claimed that inflation is decreasing and its effects will soon be felt on the economy, while more investment in the stock market has also been emphasized. Is. The Ministry of Finance has also failed to reduce unnecessary expenditure on protocols, while non-productive . Stock market is a market in which uncertainty can arise at any time. This has happened many times to investors and their money sinks. In institutions where there is a better risk management department and fund changers have high capabilities in terms of investing, there is least fear of losses, for this the government should improve the system of education and training.
Expenditure has also not been reduced. Caretaker Minister advises to increase investment on stock market speculation.
Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam has also announced to march in favor of the oppressed of Palestine. All the top leadership of JUIF will be present on this occasion, JUIF is insisting that the rulers of Muslim countries declare Jihad.
In his visit to Islamabad, the Governor of Sindh also met the ambassador of Palestine and assured the political, diplomatic and moral support of the oppressed. The people of Palestine are in trouble, according to reports at the time, a humanitarian problem has arisen in Gaza. Electricity, water and other necessities of life have disappeared. While life is at the mercy of death. More than 20,000 people have been injured by the Israeli bombing, and more than 7,000 people have been martyred. Every person's soul trembles when he hears the figures. The international community is silent but the people are protesting. The Palestinian people need all the help they can get.
The stage of by-elections is near in 21 districts of Sindh including Karachi. The local government system has been designed in such a way that since January 2023, the series of elections has been going on, which is not going to end. Time and money are being wasted. The local government system is not yet fully functional, yet this system has not learned to stand on its own feet, let alone walk, besides, the politics of this system is also very anti-people. The caretaker government has also started discriminating. The budget of the towns where the People's Party is the head has been approved and the people of the towns where the opposition is in power are demanding the budget to be approved soon. The Caretaker Government of Sindh should maintain neutrality especially with respect to the local bodies, well the Caretaker Government should remain neutral in all aspects, it should not involve its likes and dislikes in any way.
MQM chief Dr. Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui has stated that the nation which gained independence is being walled. It is surprising that the Pakistan Movement was run by the Muslim League on the two-nation theory in which Muslims were one nation and Hindus were one. How is the MQM chief associating himself with Tehreek-e-Pakistan in the name of basing his party on Muhajirism? At that time, a large number of Muslims were working for the freedom of India only in the name of Muslim identity, apart from other identities. They can say that our forefathers also sacrificed for Tehreek Pakistan, but they cannot call themselves the inheritors of Tehreek Pakistan. Because the Muslims of Bengal also have a large part in the Pakistan movement. MQM has strengthened the foothold of PPP in Karachi, now it is satisfying its people by making rhetoric against them politically. But the people of Karachi are well aware of the facts behind the political statements.

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

Karachi Political Diary 

Mubasher Mir 

 Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's arrival in Pakistan after ending his four-year self-imposed exile was not welcomed by the People's Party, but the reactions of the leaders of the People's Party were different, with an element of resentment on their part. Former President Asif Ali Zardari, who has been very close to Mian Nawaz Sharif, did not express good wishes from his side either. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who before assuming the post of Foreign Minister in the previous government, reached London and met Mian Nawaz Sharif, important messages were exchanged and some promises were also held, he has also kept silent. People's Party is also worried whether they will be able to hold their position in Sindh or not. Right now, the People's Party has complete freedom in many matters. The by-election of Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab was surprising. When the nomination papers of seven candidates against him in the suburbs like UC8 of Malir District, Ibrahim Haidari were rejected and he won unopposed. It is not difficult to guess that after the nomination papers of all the competing candidates were rejected, the Election Commission announced the success of Murtaza Wahab and issued Form 7. Question mark will remain on this decision, Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi division has made the by-election of Mayor Karachi a target of criticism. Although the Provincial Government of Sindh provides support, the Election Commission has the responsibility to conduct clean, transparent and free elections. After the alliance between MQM, GDA and JUIF, it is expected that Muslim League-N will also become a part of this alliance. If this happens, it will be difficult for People's Party to maintain its position in Sindh. PMLN has no vote bank in Sindh, but general perception effects can also be useful. If the date of the election is decided, after that the work on the electoral alliance will start with more force and the process of political alignment in Sindh province is also seen to be in the same style. Political parties have not even fielded their candidates for many specific local government seats across Sindh, including Karachi, especially the Trans Gender seats are vacant. Organizational weakness of political parties is also an argument that their membership is not done with the effort with which they conduct rallies, meetings and processions. Political parties should focus on running their secretariats in a better manner so that they can field better candidates in the elections as well as building up members. Members should also be made in the parties so that they can raise their voices for their rights. MQM leader Farooq Sattar has met Miftah Ismail and invited him to join MQM. There is no response from him yet, but in the current political situation, this offer is important for the former finance minister. As much as Miftah Ismail has criticized his previous party, his return is not seen, while forming a new party and joining Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar in it is not an easy matter. The three leaders have also done many programs together, besides Tehreek-e-Insaaf is also not in a position to get offers from there. Miftah Ismail should consider this offer as MQM lacks candidates who have more knowledge and experience on the economy. There are conflicting reports regarding Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tesori, his term in power is being discussed but nothing is final yet, however, he has shown courage and expressed solidarity with the oppressed of Palestine. Candles were lit at Governor House Sindh and prayers were offered for the oppressed people in which people of different religions participated. The initiative of Governor Sindh was appreciated at the public level. Former President Asif Ali Zardari, Senator Ali Gohar Meher met and announced to join the People's Party by dissociating from the GDA. This process of politicians in Pakistan continues and they keep changing parties. It is as if he is not a supporter of any ideology, but it appears that he has left one job and joined another company. For such politicians, politics is the name of gaining interests. They appear to be apparently successful in this process as their assets continue to increase. And they are constantly part of the halls of power in one way or another. Caretaker Interior Minister Sindh and Caretaker Information Minister Balochistan have discussed the process of departure of Afghan refugees in a joint press conference regarding which the deadline set by the government of Pakistan is approaching, although the families of Afghan refugees are returning. are going but their number is very less. Both the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan are in coordination and intend to take action from November 1. It remains to be seen how successful the government is in this regard. Because repatriating families who have settled on a permanent basis is a huge task. The government's position is that it wants to prevent trafficking. By which the blow to the economy can be redressed. Al-Khidmat Organization, a subsidiary organization of Jamaat-e-Islami, has announced to launch major public interest projects in Karachi, including the establishment of pharmacies and an IT university, certainly welcome announcements. Defense Gaza rally was organized by Wahdat al-Muslimin in which many people participated. Essential relief supplies from Pakistan have also started going to Gaza, but the quantity is very low. Even very little aid is reaching there from around the world. It is feared that human tragedy will not arise.

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity Mubasher Mir
It is human nature that he has the ability to think differently, his ideas may differ. Whether it is the concept of God or the matters of life, not all people think the same way, people belonging to different colors, races and languages live in different regions of the world. Similarly, people may have different beliefs, ideas and religions, but there are also people who claim not to be followers of any religion. When the world is so different that it is difficult for most people to agree, the question arises as to what the rules and regulations should be for living together. After all, what are the points on which people with different ideas and ideologies can be willing to live together and harmony and unity can be created in them. Even when man lived in caves, he had adopted the principles of coping with the situation together, similarly, tribes have some issues in common, even though they have different ideas and religions, a common agenda can be adopted. When man began to form governments, and from tribes to nations and states, he learned to live better than past, though from the beginning a problem for man has been how to live with the powerful, because the person, group, institution or state that becomes powerful, its power is usually expressed by exploitation, it uses power on the weaker than itself. Humans can express hatred or love towards people of different color, language and race. Different ideologies, beliefs and religions can also develop feelings of hatred or love. But for all these reasons, if one becomes powerful, his power is usually expressed in a terrifying way. Humans have fought wars against each other in the world for centuries, and humans have killed humans, out of hatred or other, and then interests are hidden behind it. People of the same color, race and language used to fight against each other, similarly people of the same religion and belief do not refrain from fighting against each other when their interests collide. How can human society be made a peaceful and united society? It seems very easy for like-minded people to live together, but the real challenge is for people with different ideas to live together. In the modern age, man has established a system of states and states have a house, the United Nations. Similarly, in his own state, man has devised a system of government to run the state system. For which there is a framework which is called the constitution of the country and in the light of this constitution laws are made to facilitate the solution of the problems. An analysis of the constitutions of countries around the world shows that more or less each country has a very good framework according to its needs and its laws are also well-made. Similarly, institutions are also established to implement them. All the countries have formed their own armed forces to protect themselves. Ground, air and naval forces and then intelligence agencies also work. The question is that if man is becoming conscious day by day, he has created the best framework laws and forums to live on the planet to resolve conflicts through dialogue, yet armies and deadliest weapons are also being created. . After all, why is man in danger from man? Why does one person want to subjugate or enslave another person? Even the inhabitants of the so-called civilized world rely on lethal weapons. There is only one deficiency behind it that there is a lack of justice in the whole world despite all the arrangements, people talk about establishing justice. There are frameworks, laws and institutions for this, but it is difficult to establish justice. Every year at the United Nations Forum, the rulers of the developing countries convince the rulers of the powerful countries that the weaker nations of the world should be treated equally. Justice is also important at the political and economic level. Be it social level or other sectors, unity cannot be established without fulfilling the requirements of justice and justice with weak people and nations. Even in a single state, different societies develop where there is a difference within a person and he looks different in speaking and looking, but justice is necessary to create unity in this diversity. If there is no justice in a state, then harmony will end and diversity will not be able to present an example of unity, if justice is established, unity will be established in diversity. Justice is the Key to make unity in diversity, otherwise the society will ruin totally. If a majority is converted into a minority due to power, then this will also be an example of injustice. Any society in the world with any diversity can maintain unity. If the system of this society is based on justice, otherwise that society loses its existence. History is a witness that many such societies and governments have been wiped out of existence which have established a system of government on the basis of injustice. A society based on justice will remain forever.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Karachi. Political Diary

Karachi. Political Diary Mubashir Mir
A meeting of the Sindh Apex Committee was held in which the top civil-military officials participated. COAS General Asim Munir attended the meeting as special guest ,while CM Sindh CareTaker Presided the Apex committee meeting. This has been told that Karachi is the hub of the economic activities in the country so the problems of the city were resolved as soon as possible. In the Sindh Apex Committee meeting, Governor Sindh and Mayor Karachi were not invited , as The Governor of KPK was also not invited to the meeting of the Apex Committee of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Sindh's caretakers plan to step up crackdown on robbers, It should be dealt with an iron hand, but there should also be a policy related to the Kucha area of Sindh, There are more than three hundred Goths with more or less 4 thousand people.So the Sindh Govt should come up with plan. The Sindh Apex Committee should also ask the depts that how the resources were used in the past. Sindh Care taker govt should ordered for independent audits because a lot of incidents were clearly revealed. According to some reports, Hotel Sambara of Larkana PIA was allotted to the Sindh government, which was worth one billion rupees, the Auditor General's report also came out regarding this, many medical institutions were given huge grants. It should be decided to conduct an independent audit of Arts Council Karachi, grants have been given but it has not yet been done. PML-N started preparing for Mian Nawaz Sharif's arrival in Pakistan. Surprisingly former DG FIA Bashir Memon heads their special committee. Some time ago, Mr.Memon has expressed his opinion against Imran Khan .It was totally against the former PM. Now after retirement he has joined Muslim League-N. It is an old practice in Pakistan that after the retirement of civil and military officers,they used to join the political parties .whose primary reason is to disagree with another political party, as if they do not become political on the basis of any ideology, is a wrong path. It is also not a good example for a civil-military bureaucrat to be a supporter of a political party. If it is banned then it should be thought right, but more than that the bureaucrats themselves also want to think that their position and reputation will be affected. After retirement, they openly join that organization or party. Bashir Memon has also set the same example. Many people have been committed before them, it is not a legal or constitutional restriction but their moral responsibility is very important. The electoral alliance between GDA, MQM and Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) has been implemented up to the level of Sindh. Sardar Rashid Soomro in a strong constituency in Larkana. Sardar Abdul Rahim and Dr. Safdar Abbasi from Pirpagara are very active and dynamic. While most of MQM's decisions were made by Syed Musta Kamal. PTI also got permission to work. In Sindh, people are coming out now. there are some scary reports that raids in Sindh on PTI workers have been stopped. Now it will take time to restore their confidence, they may also become part of this group. Thus, a big alliance was formed against the People's Party. So far, there is no good news from the People's Party Sindh. Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and other leaders of his party are constantly giving statements for immediate elections.

Friday 13 October 2023

Corporate Crime

Corporate Crime Mubashher Mir
Whether the business is being done by private institutions or the government, there are stories of irregularities or corruption somewhere. In Pakistan, there are many business enterprises of the government, while many enterprises were sold by the government after seeing the failed situation after nationalization, while many enterprises were sold to private companies despite being profitable. MCB Bank which was once a Muslim Commercial Bank, better known as Habib Bank Answers HBL, was not making losses but was sold by the Govt. Corporate governance in Pakistan is also weak due to the interference of influential institutions of the government and prominent names of politics in such institutions. Political parties made over-employment in government enterprises to strengthen their trade unions, due to which those enterprises went into losses, now the government wants to sell them. There was a fraud in the DHA Phase IV branch of MCB Bank some time ago when the operation manager there had invested the money of the account holders in betting on cricket but the fraud was caught. Similarly, in MCB Bank, Bahria Town Branch, Lahore, some bank officers fraudulently withdrew money from the account of a senior citizen, but the bank retired its manager. Recently the officers of Creek Marina Project through Meezan Bank and Silk Bank did money laundering of 30 billion, FIA Commercial Crimes Circle has also registered an FIR on it, some of the responsible persons have also been arrested. But it is surprising that State Bank of Pakistan has not yet taken any action against Meezan Bank and Silk Bank. FIA officials say that hundreds of cases of corporate crime are pending. Things seem to be much worse in the commercial sector. In Pakistan, regulatory authorities, SECP, State Bank are institutions that can play an important role in controlling corporate crimes, but there too things look very bad. SECP does not try to make corporate governance, good governance, the avenues of covert corruption are open so there is no harmony between employees and owners in many private enterprises. Well, every company has its own duty to keep moral values in mind and follow good traditions in business. State Bank is giving open concessions to commercial banks. Commercial banks have increased the banking charges a lot. A lot of money is being charged in the name of the credit card. Crores of rupees are collected in the name of annual fee. Similarly, debit card fees and charges have become very high. State Bank did not hold public hearings on commercial bank issues to redress the grievances of account holders. Similarly, SECP also fails to make the system of board of directors of companies of high quality. In this regard, he should also redress the grievances of a public, shareholders and employees. Pakistan’s judicial system is failing to deliver justice. Our rating in delivering justice around the world is embarrassingly low. Getting justice from the courts is beyond the reach of the common man. A ray of hope is the ombudsman institutions where problems can be resolved without fees. But their mandate is limited. Public complaints against the utility companies electricity, gas and telephone departments are endless. Although many people get relief, but many people do not get access to this system. The crimes of power generating and selling companies in Pakistan are also increasing day by day. The defects in the policy of setting up of power plants are created by the government. According to the policy given by the Muslim League-N and the People’s Party, the IPPs set up power generating plants, till date there has been no independent audit in the energy sector. People have paid billions of rupees, but electricity, gas and petrol are being bought at high prices. To remedy this, it is necessary to audit the electricity companies. The government is taking steps to improve the economy but is not correcting its policies. Law enforcement agencies are failing to prevent trafficking. FBR, Customs, Income Tax system is so corrupt that the corruption of police and politicians is nothing before them. In such institutions, officers are appointed with recommendations, to earn more money, which is a shame. Corruption is the most important reason in the development of Pakistan which has ruined all the institutions and economic system. To put Pakistan on the path of real development, corporate governance has to be improved to control corporate crimes. Private enterprises are very important for the development of the country, they pay taxes to the government and also provide employment. But if they follow the path of crime, then destruction becomes destiny. Punishing crimes is one way, but eliminating the causes of crime is even more important. Improvements in both legal framework and law enforcement are essential. Along with this, by keeping “Ethics” and “Values” in mind, the path of crime is blocked. Rather than creating new crime prevention institutions, reforming existing institutions may yield better results. Difficult decisions are very necessary to revive the economy in Pakistan, otherwise more losses are certain.

Saturday 30 September 2023

The Reason to Smile

 The Reason to Smile

Mubasher Mir


Generally speaking  whenever we meet any Chinese friend anywhere in the world, we greet each other with smile with glittering eyes. It could be observed practically 
when we were boarding China bound flight from Dubai to Beijing .We observed the welcoming smiles which reflected the great love and affection the Chinese have for us
It was a great initiative by His Excellency, Yung Yundong, Counsel General of China in Karachi, to promote the people to  people contact between the two Nations. It was great honour for me when CG nominated me as The Head of Delegation.

The delegation comprised of known media personalities belonging to different media houses. We had with us Ahmed Malik, a seasoned journalist, Ex-PresidentKarachi Press Club, Professor Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan Scholar and regular contributor in an English Newspaper, Javaid Malik Chief Editor of an English Newspaper and known as, Marketer and Advertiser, Shama Munshi, freelance writer, author and regular contributor in an English Newspaper, Syed Ali ShabbarNaqvi, a young dynamic writer of English Daily, GulRukhsar, a young and talented journalist and last but not the least Noman Nizami who has a passion for photo journalism.
We feel immense pleasure to acknowledge that the Karachi Editors Club (KEC) has always tried their best to promote Pak-China relations for the last six years. We as KEC strongly and firmly believe that both countries must work together forever and no one is allowed to cause any dent in our strong friendship and love that we have built over the years.


The Karachi Editors enjoys unique privilege to start the anniversary celebrations of The Communist Party of China (CPC) first time in Pakistan, when Excellency Li Bijian was the Council General in Karachi
He appreciated our efforts many a times publicly.
Mr. ManzarNaqvi, Secretary General Karachi Editors Club,deserves great appreciation who coordinated all type of arrangements of the media delegation visit to China  with Consulate General of China  in befitting manner. He was all the time in contact with the delegation during our visit to China

The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Officials-of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China at Beijing International Airport on June 26th, 2023. Our visit was beautifully organised that lasted for eight days.In Beijing we visited the Tian’amen Square, The Forbidden City, Peking University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Silk Street and enjoyed delicious Chinese cuisine as well. The visit was very informative 
and we learned a lot about the Chinese, their history, Life, Culture, Political & EconomicVision especially (BRI) Belt and Road initiative and the most important project  for Pakistan,China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC)
We were enlightened about the Chinese history of four Dynasties, Opium war, Struggle for Revolution and true achievements of CPC to make the China a modern Country and an economic power.
It was indeed a great honour for us to know when the high officials emphasised on the  continuity of cooperation between the two great countries. It was further categorically assured that whatever the situation may be  in the world, Pakistan and China shall always work together because we have mutual interest. 
Same spirit was observed during our visit in Peking University, when we met Professor Dr. Tang Mengshang. He expressed a great hope that China wants Pakistan to grow by leaps & bounds.
In the shining city of China, Shanghai our meeting with the scholars from Shanghai Institute of International Studies has been a great source of encouragement. They added that CPEC is the flagship project of BRI and there is no chance for India to join this game-changer program.
While the delegation was in Suzhou, it was a great experience to visit the bus manufacturing factory of Higer, but at same time they are also  manufacturing people friendly economy vehicles as well. We enjoyed the rides of Driverless Electric Mini Bus. This would be the future bus because of climate changes, and it is also  on the main agenda of the world community, and the urban society needs these types of vehicles for the progression of the society as a whole.

We observed the height of delight and glow in the eyes of our brothers Chinese when we presented the Jinnah Cap, related to the founder of Pakistan “Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah” to our respected hosts.
They looked very happy  to wear the caps and the gentle smiles as a good will gesture. The relationship between the two Nations began  as friends and now we are brothers with strong commitments I believed the reason behind the smile and affection is trust on eachother the relationship between the two nations was started as friends and now we are brothers with strong commitments.


When we were leaving from Beijing Airport for Pakistan we were seen off by our coordinator who looked after us well always with smiling face. Whatever the situation in the region or in world politics we have built the level of trust higher – even higher than the Himalayas because this trust will further strengthen bonds of friendship between the two great countries

Long live Pak China Friendship

Mubasher Mir

President Karachi Editors Club

Thursday 28 September 2023

Socio-Economic Impact for CPEC


Socio-Economic Impact for CPEC

Mubasher Mir

Regarding the relationship between Pakistan and China, it is traditionally said that this friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the seas, but this is also a fact, this friendship has turned into brotherhood. They are like iron brothers who cannot be broken, have gone through all kinds of trials and new avenues of cooperation are opening up. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a great example of this, along with development of Gwadar city, Gwadar port, construction of international airport in Gwadar, construction of colleges and hospitals, establishment of economic zones with CPEC in various cities, Sindh region. A grand example of this is the mega project to generate electricity by extracting coal from ancient coal mines in Thar. Although many strategic projects are going on between the two countries and at the same time work is being done on the installation of nuclear power plants, but the social and economic benefits of CPEC are being reflected on the society in a much better way. Chinese President Xi Jinping had said that Pakistan will make the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor a model of practical cooperation, in which our focus will be on energy, Gwadar Port, infrastructure development and industrial development. This will benefit the people of both countries and other nations of the region.


The vision of the CPEC project is to strengthen the chain of communication. The two nations should be brought closer to each other. To improve the lives of the people of both countries and the countries of the region through the promotion of industry and trade, the leadership of China announced to share its achievements with other nations and the city of Gwadar, which was a small settlement, is now an organized city. is changing International Airport with Gwadar Port will change the fate of the whole area apart from this city. Economic cooperation agreements have also been signed between China and Iran. There are vast opportunities for cooperation, especially in the energy sector.


Gwadar is going to be completely transformed from 25 years ago today, with at least 20 projects in the pipeline. The project to purify water from the sea is also very important while the project for the welfare of the fishermen community is also included. Vocational College and Hospital for Gwadar is a great example of Pak-China friendship. There will be social and economic improvement of the people of Gwadar and it will have far-reaching effects.


Just as Gwadar was a desert and completely backward region in Balochistan, Thar is considered to be the most backward region in Sindh. But with the cooperation of Engro, Sindh Province, Federation of Pakistan and China, its hidden treasures have been made usable. There are vast reserves of coal in Thar, but even after many years of Pakistan's creation, we could not make them usable. Friendly country China signed an investment agreement here. The local population has been evacuated from the affected areas and houses with more facilities have been built for them. Many of them have been trained and given driving jobs. The coal deposits in Thar were below the depth of five hundred feet which was a huge task to extract which was successfully completed and then a modern technology plant was installed, today electricity is being generated from Thar coal. About 2640 MW of electricity is being supplied to the National Grid. This project has laid the foundation for poverty alleviation in Thar which will soon turn into prosperity.


Economic zones have been planned along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Major industrial projects will be set up in these economic zones. Which will provide jobs on a large scale while the domestic production will also increase and the destiny of the people of these areas will change. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has started the links between the two nations. Thousands of Pakistani students are studying in China's educational institutions, a Chinese language learning institution has been established in Pakistan, which is called the Confucius Center. It is based in Karachi University. Similarly, Pakistan's national language Urdu is being taught in eight Chinese universities, many Chinese youth are interested in learning Urdu language. Similarly, the number of Pakistan Study Centers in China has reached 12. It is as if the history, politics, economy and culture of Pakistan are being researched in China. Pakistan China Study Center is established in Islamabad and Pakistan China Friendship Center is also a wonderful gift of the people of China to the people of Pakistan. Karachi Editors Club has formed a Special Committee on Silk Road Media Corridor to counter negative propaganda. The people of both countries continue to improve their lives through economic cooperation projects that will lead to great achievements and embark in a great era of prosperity.

Political Diary 1


Karachi. Political Diary

 Mubasher Mir

 The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh has so far taken briefings on all the departments, and held several review meetings, one thing is coming out that there is no such thing as good governance in every department of Sindh, there is a lot of irregularities and corruption. Several orders of inquiry have also been issued.


Recently, the Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh took a briefing on the Finance Department and specially reviewed the use of funds. This is a task that the previous government did not pay attention to, the PPP government played a key role in getting the 18th amendment passed by amending the constitution in 2010, other parties especially Muslim League (N) and MQ M was openly supportive, the committee headed by Mian Raza Rabbani prepared the draft and it was passed in the parliament without any debate, later more amendments were brought to correct its mistakes, to implement this amendment. A commission was also constituted.


Mian Raza Rabbani was also awarded the highest civil award for this feat, today we can see the fruits of the 18th amendment. The federal government is weak and the provinces have come down to do their own thing. Many problems have arisen with this amendment, as if the vision of the leadership was limited, the provinces were strengthened and the federal government was practically weakened. With this amendment, the Provincial Finance Commission was to be established so that the revenue and income of the province would be good and good in the districts. should be better distributed. But as we saw in other provinces, Sindh province did not give importance to the Provincial Finance Commission which resulted in further increase in poverty in small and backward districts. The local government system has not been made functional, now many districts of the province have reached the lowest level of poverty. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh should have set a guideline for the bureaucracy that if there is a meeting of the Provincial Finance Commission, what is his guideline for formulating recommendations. Obviously, now the bureaucracy says everything is good, but it does not look good. It will also make recommendations keeping in mind its own will and convenience and will also give arguments in favor of it.


Awami National Party Sindh organized a cultural program on the occasion of International Day of Pakhtun Culture, Emil Wali Khan was the chief guest. He said that the harassment of Pakhtuns in the name of Afghan refugees should be stopped in the city of Karachi, the majority of Pakhtuns are settled in Karachi. Afghan refugees are living under the UN Charter. Important people of Pakistan are taking benefits from all over the world in the name of Afghan refugees.

Caretaker Federal Information Minister visited Karachi, Murtaza Solangi also answered questions in Karachi Press Club, in which in response to a question about Mian Nawaz Sharif, he said that he did not break the jail. At that time, he went with the permission of the court and the permission of the government. But it is also known to everyone that he did not go for an indefinite period and in case of non-return within the specified period, the guarantor, Shahbaz Sharif was and is responsible. But it didn't actually happen. Nawaz Sharif went in 2019.


Khawaja Asif has said in one of his TV shows that Nawaz Sharif was sent out of the country by the establishment. But the caretaker information minister's speech appears to be in support of Mian Nawaz Sharif. The Caretaker Information Minister also met the Editors Council, during which he also answered the questions. He said that the editor's department is important in newspapers, but not in other media. It is true that the news quality of newspapers is still better because of the editor. Chances of error are minimized. But if we examine the policy of the government, newspapers are getting very little recognition. Many journalists are now unemployed.


Recently a media group limited its office from Karachi and laid off all the employees. The media and advertising policy of the federal government has caused a lot of damage to this industry. Government agencies have become weak in marketing due to advertising policy. In this regard, the caretaker government should also see how the possibilities of improvement can be created in the newspaper and advertising industry.


Due to the current advertising policy of the federal government, the marketing of many institutions has weakened and they are running at a loss. PIA, Pakistan Railways, Steel Mills are prominent among the loss-making institutions. Such government institutions incur losses of billions of rupees annually and are now considered a burden on the country's economy. The Caretaker Federal Finance Minister has also talked about the privatization of these institutions while the IMF is also demanding the same from us.


Federal government should assign at least 25% shares to the employees of the institution to be privatized. And in the board of directors, at least two directors should be included from the employees' side, thus the protection of the employees' rights will be ensured and it will also be easier to privatize the institution.


Most of the employees are recruited by the political parties so that they can strengthen their union and according to them, the same union officials who win the union elections also strengthen the same party in the general elections. Professionalism is thus lost and businesses suffer due to political support and opposition. Now their only solution is privatization which has become inevitable.


May it be the increase in electricity rates or petrol prices, but MQM and People's Party are not even calling for any protest or rally in Karachi or Sindh. Provincial Ministers of the People's Party, since the completion of the term of the government, are less visible in the events for fear of possible raids. The news of raids by FIA and NAB in the houses of various people has scared them. Any government officials who are reported to be unable to leave the country are also missing from the scene. The leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi is active in this regard.

People's Party had made a long march against inflation during the Tehreek-e-Insaf government, but now their silence continues. Even on Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's birthday, no big event was held. Former President Asif Ali Zardari has also limited the series of meetings. In view of this situation, it does not seem possible for the election campaign to be more rapid and dynamic. MQM has inaugurated its election office and is trying to rouse its workers, it is to be seen whether they can regain the confidence of the people of Karachi city or not.