Wednesday 25 October 2023

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity Mubasher Mir
It is human nature that he has the ability to think differently, his ideas may differ. Whether it is the concept of God or the matters of life, not all people think the same way, people belonging to different colors, races and languages live in different regions of the world. Similarly, people may have different beliefs, ideas and religions, but there are also people who claim not to be followers of any religion. When the world is so different that it is difficult for most people to agree, the question arises as to what the rules and regulations should be for living together. After all, what are the points on which people with different ideas and ideologies can be willing to live together and harmony and unity can be created in them. Even when man lived in caves, he had adopted the principles of coping with the situation together, similarly, tribes have some issues in common, even though they have different ideas and religions, a common agenda can be adopted. When man began to form governments, and from tribes to nations and states, he learned to live better than past, though from the beginning a problem for man has been how to live with the powerful, because the person, group, institution or state that becomes powerful, its power is usually expressed by exploitation, it uses power on the weaker than itself. Humans can express hatred or love towards people of different color, language and race. Different ideologies, beliefs and religions can also develop feelings of hatred or love. But for all these reasons, if one becomes powerful, his power is usually expressed in a terrifying way. Humans have fought wars against each other in the world for centuries, and humans have killed humans, out of hatred or other, and then interests are hidden behind it. People of the same color, race and language used to fight against each other, similarly people of the same religion and belief do not refrain from fighting against each other when their interests collide. How can human society be made a peaceful and united society? It seems very easy for like-minded people to live together, but the real challenge is for people with different ideas to live together. In the modern age, man has established a system of states and states have a house, the United Nations. Similarly, in his own state, man has devised a system of government to run the state system. For which there is a framework which is called the constitution of the country and in the light of this constitution laws are made to facilitate the solution of the problems. An analysis of the constitutions of countries around the world shows that more or less each country has a very good framework according to its needs and its laws are also well-made. Similarly, institutions are also established to implement them. All the countries have formed their own armed forces to protect themselves. Ground, air and naval forces and then intelligence agencies also work. The question is that if man is becoming conscious day by day, he has created the best framework laws and forums to live on the planet to resolve conflicts through dialogue, yet armies and deadliest weapons are also being created. . After all, why is man in danger from man? Why does one person want to subjugate or enslave another person? Even the inhabitants of the so-called civilized world rely on lethal weapons. There is only one deficiency behind it that there is a lack of justice in the whole world despite all the arrangements, people talk about establishing justice. There are frameworks, laws and institutions for this, but it is difficult to establish justice. Every year at the United Nations Forum, the rulers of the developing countries convince the rulers of the powerful countries that the weaker nations of the world should be treated equally. Justice is also important at the political and economic level. Be it social level or other sectors, unity cannot be established without fulfilling the requirements of justice and justice with weak people and nations. Even in a single state, different societies develop where there is a difference within a person and he looks different in speaking and looking, but justice is necessary to create unity in this diversity. If there is no justice in a state, then harmony will end and diversity will not be able to present an example of unity, if justice is established, unity will be established in diversity. Justice is the Key to make unity in diversity, otherwise the society will ruin totally. If a majority is converted into a minority due to power, then this will also be an example of injustice. Any society in the world with any diversity can maintain unity. If the system of this society is based on justice, otherwise that society loses its existence. History is a witness that many such societies and governments have been wiped out of existence which have established a system of government on the basis of injustice. A society based on justice will remain forever.

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