Friday 17 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

Mubasher Mir

The Muslim League-N has intensified its contacts to make the electoral alliance effective in Sindh regarding the preparation of the general elections. A high-level delegation of MQM had signed an alliance agreement with the leadership of Muslim League-N in Lahore. Apart from this, an alliance has also been made with JUIF, now Khawaja Saad Rafiq, on the instructions of the PML-N leadership, has met Pir Sahib Pagada, the head of the Muslim League Functional. , JUI-F and Muslim League-F, or GDA, are seen forging an electoral alliance. This is the electoral alliance that is coming into being with the blessings of the powerful forces. People's Party and Tehreek-e-Insaf are still standing on the two banks of the river and assessing the speed and depth of the water. The chances of meeting the two sides are also very limited. The People's Party will also not take the risk of alliance with any party against the will of the powerful forces.
PPP leader Shazia Marri's press conference was confusing, as her statement that we did not launch a movement to topple the Tehreek-e-Insaaf government, even though the party leadership had marched on inflation and then repeatedly said that There should be early elections. He played an active role to bring distrust and played a role in it and finally Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that the conspiracy to overthrow the Tehreek-e-Insaf government was not in America but in Bilawal House. How can the leaders of the People's Party be ignorant of the events of the recent past? Sindh and especially for the electoral alliance, the PML-N will definitely look at Jamaat-e-Islami, which was a strong competitor in the election of the mayor in the Karachi city election. Mian Nawaz Sharif will definitely be forced to talk to the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami. It is to be seen what decision Jamaat-e-Islami takes in this regard. Because she has also been close to Tehreek-e-Insaaf.
Jamaat-e-Islami has protested the most on the issue of Palestine and raised its voice against atrocities in Palestine. People have also fully participated in the Palestine solidarity rally. In this regard, the leadership of MQM, Muslim League-N and People's Party is seen only to the extent of statements. Differences in the caretaker government of Sindh have intensified. The purchase of robots for robotic surgery has become a cause of conflict between the Sindh Chief Minister and the Health Minister.
The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh called a meeting of the Ministry of Health and expressed his anger on the performance of the Health Department, while the Caretaker Health Minister was not present in the meeting.  Caretaker Health Minister Dr. Saad Khalid Niaz has also given his position. He believes that robotic surgery is an expensive treatment. While people are suffering from basic health problems. According to him, billions of rupees are being wasted. Robots had been ordered before but could not be used in this way. The surprising thing is that if the Health Minister is raising questions regarding the purchase of robots, then why is the Chief Minister of Sindh adamant that a huge amount of money should be spent for the purchase of robots.

Complaints regarding education and health in Sindh province have been coming to the fore even during the previous government's tenure. Especially in many districts and towns of Sindh, the situation looks very bad. Although the Sindh government has been giving grants of about 89 billion to health institutions, the health problems remain the same. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh had also ordered an audit of the grants given to about 34 large NGOs, but no report has come out in this regard yet.
The MQM leadership has complained that the constitution of Pakistan provides protection to the powerful but not to the common people. It is correct in principle, but it is better for a political party to do its part than to be suspicious, MQM has been a powerful party in Karachi, it has the skills to be a part of power, but that party too.  The political party should give a program for how the basic rights of the people will be protected. And what role will his party play in it?
A delegation of Muslim League-N has met MQM. Although both sides have reiterated that a formula for equitable distribution of resources should be set, it remains to be seen how the political parties stick to this approach post-election. The delegation of Muslim League-N is also continuing the series of meetings with other political parties. In this regard, the possibility of PML-N becoming a grand alliance in Sindh seems bright.

Umme Rabab Chandio, who has been following the  murder case for the last six years, when two members of her family, including her father, were killed, has alleged that the accused have been threatening her. . Accordingly, senior police officers should take notice, as there are serious threats to their lives. Umm Rabab Chandio's father, uncle and grandfather were killed. She has been going round the courts for six years continuously for justice, but till now the justice is delayed. The Chief Justice of Pakistan should focus on such cases where the evidence is clear. Justice delayed is justice denied.

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