Thursday 9 November 2023

Karachi Political Diary

Karachi Political Diary
Mubasher Mir

Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori strongly criticized the current system of politics and Birmala said that elections are coming and those who take turns are coming together again. This does not create signs of improvement in the country, this type of government has pushed Pakistan backward. Sindh Governor made the aggressive speech in his speech while attending the release ceremony of a book written on Pakistan-China relations as a special guest at a local hotel.

The Consul General of the People's Republic of China was also present at the event and other important personalities also spoke about Pakistan-China relations, but the Governor of Sindh adopted a different approach. He said that we have not learned anything from China, their working methods. should have adopted But our country, despite having many resources, could not develop as much as it should, the friendly country is also seeking assistance from Saudi Arabia. We have to stand on our own feet. We can train the youth in information technology and make them employable. IT training for youth has been organized in Governor House Sindh in collaboration with civil society which will be completed very soon.
Governor Sindh spoke from the heart and only reforms in the current political system can bring better political leadership in Pakistan. If seen, their words are 100% correct. There is no such thing as democracy in the political parties of Pakistan. In Pakistani politics, the element of heredity is dominant, there is a monopoly of families, in such a situation, where is the ideal, it is difficult to have a normal style of politics. Political families come to power by having direct relations with the powerful forces, that is why the people are not given importance after gaining power, this is the tragedy of the country's politics.
In 21 districts of Sindh, the stage of by-elections of municipalities has been completed. The results of this election also came in favor of the People's Party. People's Party is now the ruling party in the local bodies. The Provincial Caretaker Government should enable the local bodies and it should not be difficult for them to get funds. In the past, there were many complaints from the Sindh government of People's Party to the local bodies that they were not given powers, while it was also difficult to get funds for development works, but the caretaker government needs to pay special attention to the local bodies. The system of basic democracy will be functional only because of the local bodies. If there is work in small towns and villages, then the problems of the common people will be solved. Any kind of discrimination against local bodies is anti-people.
On the occasion of the National Day of Russia, a ceremony was held at the Consulate General of Russia in Karachi, in which the Chief Minister of Sindh and the Governor of Sindh were the special guests. Both the personalities expressed their good wishes regarding Pakistan-Russia relations. Russia is a great country with very little trade with Pakistan. Pakistani business community should take advantage of good relations with Russia and increase Pak-Russia trade. Pakistan is importing wheat from Russia, although we are an agricultural country, but we are not self-sufficient even in our basic food. We must learn from our friendly countries how we can increase our yield per acre. There is a good opportunity for the Pakistani business community to make a place in the Russian market. Most of Pakistan's products can find their market in Russia. Russian ambassadors and consulates have already said in this regard that Russia is always ready to increase business relations.
Caretaker Chief Minister Sindh met the country manager of the World Bank and discussed the rehabilitation of the flood victims. Much work is still needed in flood-prone areas. Many families could not fully recover. Pakistan is working with international financial institutions. But public safety in flood-prone areas remains intact. The Caretaker Chief Minister has continued the series of inspections in various districts and institutions and has also suspended some officers, but other ministers are not so active in their departments.
 The Caretaker Chief Minister has expressed his desire to renovate Shahrah Faisal and that this important highway should be further upgraded. Surprisingly, the previous government had also upgraded Shahrah Faisal. Attention should also be given to the dilapidated roads. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh has met the Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan and informed Iran about the ongoing programs especially in Karachi. Karachi Circular Railway is a major project that requires federal guarantee. The Chief Minister of Sindh has informed the Prime Minister in this regard so that after that the work on this project can be started.
 In the Karachi Stock Exchange, the index is rapidly moving towards higher heights and this is also giving an impression of improving the economic condition of the country. The general perception is that investment has stalled in many housing societies. Currency and gold markets are also volatile. Even in such a situation, investors have turned to market shares and this is also giving them benefits. Commercial banks are also investing in it. But over investing in betting business can also prove to be harmful. These institutions should pay special attention to risk management.

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