Thursday 11 July 2024

Karachi Political Diary.

 Karachi Political Diary.

Mubasher Mir

Nisar Ahmad Khoro, a senior leader of the ruling party (People's Party) has been elected as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee in the Sindh Assembly. The Public Accounts Committee, considered the strongest and most powerful committee of the Assembly, is generally considered the right of the opposition. Because its responssibility is to keep track of the money spent by the government. The schemes proposed by the cabinet also have to be monitored and irregularities are also noticed. The Public Accounts Committee can also recover funds from the concerned departments for misappropriation of funds. Nisar Ahmad Khoro, though a senior politician, still belongs to the government benches.
However, political ethics require that the right of monitoring should be given to the opposition. The best example of democracy is that in which accountability is maximized. But in the Sindh Assembly, a member of his own party has been put in charge of accountability. How will it be possible for Nisar Khoro to bring the ministers to the dock, to direct action against a minister for the corruption of a department, anyway, this is a difficult task, but this step has been taken by keeping the moral values ​​of democracy above the threshold.
Among the seven members of the Public Accounts Committee, one member of the Sunni Ittehad Council (Tehreek-e-Insaaf) did not raise any objection. .
CDT police officer DSP Ali Raza was killed by unknown persons in Karachi. The late  was a close associate of Chaudhry Aslam, SSP who was murdered few years before, and had participated in many operations with him. Informed sources have revealed that he was receiving threats for a few days while his guards were also withdrawn. For those police officers and personnel involved in critical operations, their own security is also important, especially as they should reside in secure areas. While the reporting of their actions should also be done carefully in which they are not advertised personally. In this way, the mafia people become their personal enemies.
Severe heat is continuing across the province and water shortage has also occurred in many areas due to electricity load shedding. Due to which people have started a series of protests in different areas of Karachi city. Although the provincial energy minister has claimed that representatives of K Electric, Hesco and Sesco have promised to improve power supply, there are no signs of improvement.
The government has further increased the rateof per unit of electricity, accordingly the price per unit will become more expensive according to the rate of taxes. People are expressing concern that there should be a forensic audit of the electricity meters to see if the electricity per unit is being counted as per international standards or not. If any electrical device or light is powered by one kilowatt of electricity, the electricity consumed in one hour is equal to one unit. As the scale of unit of electricity is same in every country, the objection of people in Pakistan must be addressed.
People's Party and MQM's style of politics has been expressed surprise many times by the public, the rhetoric from both sides is still going on. The Mayor of Karachi is also a part of this rhetoric. It is strange that the mayor of Karachi, immediately after his election, was claiming that he will be able to bring important projects for the city of Karachi because the provincial government belongs to his party, while the center (Federal) also to them.
So far he has not been able to provide clean water at cheap rates, after the heat wave the prices of water tankers have also increased, like electricity and petrol it is also not within the reach of the common man. Hundreds of people have lost their lives due to severe heat wave in recent days. Most of them were those who suffered from dehydration due to the lack of clean water from working in the open areas and could not survive. In these circumstances, the Mayor of Karachi should ensure the provision of basic facilities to the citizens instead of rhetorical politics.
Jamaat-e-Islami has started a series of protests on this situation, Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi held a protest meeting along with representatives of business organizations, which was also addressed by other leaders, the government should also consider peaceful protests as well.  Amir Jamaat-e-Islami has announced a protest sit-in in Islamabad on July 12. Protests have been going on since the budget, but the government is not even talking about negotiations with business organizations. The Prime Minister has announced in the National Assembly that the current budget has been prepared with the guidance and support of the IMF. Therefore, the chances of change in it are less.
It is also being announced to give free solar panels in the province of Sindh, it is surprising that the government has not announced to give free drinking water, but it is ready to give free solar panels. The intention of the government may be good, but what secret is being hidden in this news will be revealed soon.

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