Wednesday 3 April 2024

Karachi. Political Diary


 Karachi. Political Diary

 Mubashir Mir

President Asif Ali Zardari has vacated his National Assembly seat NA 207 Nawabshah Shaheed Benazirabad district after his new responsibility and his younger daughter who has also been given the status of the First Lady in the President's House, She was a candidate in the election, against her, three people who belonged to the Rind tribe filed their nomination papers. There were reports of them being pressured in various ways. Then they stepped down and Asifa Bhutto Zardari was elected as a member of the National Assembly unopposed. The rhetoric between the leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party and Tehreek-e-Insaaf continues on this. Tehreek-e-Insaaf has alleged that the candidate's nomination papers were first rejected and then after that he  was approved as candidate, the police from Sukrund town near Nawabshah, arrested him and forcibly returned the nomination papers. PPP ministers have denied this, its a big question , why the PPP is working on getting its candidates elected unopposed when their party's history is already full of allegations in this regard, when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was elected unopposed in the 1977 election, then the police and district administration were active against the opposing candidate. People's Party has won the seat in Nawabshah, if an election is held on it, what kind of doom would come. On the other hand, PTI-supported independent candidate Ghulam Mustafa Rind has announced to challenge the unopposed victory of Asifa Bhutto Zardari in the court. He said that he was allegedly abducted from Sukrund town on his way back from Hyderabad and released two days later at Nawabshah after the victory of Asifa Bhutto.

PPP has formed the government for the fourth time in a row in Sindh province and still they are afraid to compete. The February 8 allegations are still not over and they have come up with new allegations. At least twelve people of PPP have been elected unopposed in Sindh.The upper house election where ultimately Faisal Vavda has been elected as independent candidate ,surprisingly PPP and MQM supported him because he is supposed to be the close person of establishment and the same situation has been observed regarding Mohsin Naqvi . Tehreek-e-Insaf has announced a boycott of voting in the Sindh Assembly for the election of the Senate.In KPK , the situation is becoming worse between KPK govt and ECP.

Jamaat-e-Islami organized a rally in favor of the martyrs of Palestine and also announced that after Eid-ul-Fitr, a movement would be launched to restore the mandate in the elections. Of course, Tehreek-e-Insaf and other parties, especially GDA, will also support him from Sindh and there is a possibility of starting the movement from Sindh province itself. Federal Commerce Minister Jam Kamal has claimed during his visit to Karachi that the People's Party may also become a part of the federal cabinet in the near future. Apparently, the PPP has no reservations but may want to fulfill some demands before becoming part of the cabinet.

Street crimes in Karachi have exceeded the limit in the last decade of Ramadan. People have caught some looters and they have been killed but this is not the solution. Sindh Police seems to be unable to control street crimes and Rivrine robbers, now another operation against the Rivrine robbers has been announced. Surprisingly, a Jirga has been held in Karachi in which the police party has been sentenced to pay the fine. On May 29, 2023, seven police officers led by Inspector Nabi Baksh arrested a young Saddam Lashari in Jacobabad and then he lost his life in police custody. In this regard, the decision between the members of his tribe and the police has been made in the Jirga court. The said jirga was held at Sarki House in Karachi which was presided over by Sardar Zulfiqar Ali Sarki and among other prominent persons, Liaqat Ali Lashari, President of People's Party Jacobabad district was present.

The Chief Jirga has declared the police guilty and ordered the seven police officers to pay Rs 22 million to the family of the deceased. The Jirga Courts have been declared illegal by the High Courts, while the tribal families make their decisions under it. The dual system of justice in the state of Pakistan is amazing.

The birth anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, founder chairman of People's Party is being celebrated. Because of Ramadan, it will be celebrated simply, no big gathering will be held for it. This is the first anniversary of ZA Bhutto after the opinion given in the Supreme Court regarding the hanging sentence of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, but the People's Party is not doing any big program on it, although it has been announced after Eid-ul-Fitr. A program will be organized. Like every year, this year also 21st of Ramadan, Day of Imam Ali celebrations were organized across the province, the martyrdom day of Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) was celebrated with devotion and respect. Maula Ali (peace be upon him) established a high standard of justice and fairness during his reign. This was the reason the selfish and greedy people turned against him. A wonderful book has been written on him by the Lebanese Christian writer John Jardag, which is the most prominent book written on Maula Ali (peace be upon him). The book is written in Arabic. It was first published in 1956, later it was translated into English, in which  justice of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was specially mentioned. Mufti Jafar Hussain , Prominant Religious Scholar has also written a wonderful book on him in Urdu which was published in the name of Sirat Amirul Momineen , (Biography).

Nahj-ul-Balagha containing the sermons of Hazrat Imam Ali is considered to be the best book. In it, he wrote a letter to his Governor, Malik Ashtar, which is still considered as the golden rule of governance. While the Will he gave to his son Imam Hasan was also an excellent document and still it is. There is also a book containing the judgments of Maula Ali which is the best guide regarding justice and fairness. Justice has been a major issue in every era, so guidance can be obtained from their decisions.

The government has again invited inflation by increasing petrol prices before Eid-ul-Fitr. In Ramadan, people have already been depressed under the huge level of inflation, now they have no more capacity left in them.

The Federal Finance Minister has reiterated in the meeting with the Sindh Chief Minister that the cooperation between the provinces and the federation will be improved in the completion of development projects.

The surprising thing is that the foreign minister has also got the status of proxy finance minister. They have also been included in the Council of Common Interests. The Prime Minister of Pakistan gives importance to them in economic affairs. But from a professional point of view, the finance minister should be in charge of all economic affairs and the foreign minister has a huge responsibility first. Although the stock exchange index is increasing, the growth rate is not showing an increase at this pace.

The British High Commissioner in Pakistan held meetings with the leaders of People's Party and MQM in the provincial capital Karachi. He met PPP women wing chief Faryal Talpur and Asifa Bhutto Zardari at Bilawal House and discussed the political situation of Pakistan while two provincial ministers were also present. Later he also met the Provincial Minister for Energy. The British High Commissioner met the party delegation at the residence of MQM woman leader Nasreen Jalil, in both meetings the Deputy High Commissioner and Political Attaché were also present.

Bilawal House issued a statement regarding the meeting while Mustafa Kamal from the MQM delegation briefed the media about the discussion in the meeting. No statement was issued by the British High Commission. Before this, she has also met Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif in Lahore.

Regarding the above meetings, it is said that issues of mutual interest were discussed and the challenges faced by Pakistan were discussed. Britain takes a deep interest in the affairs of Pakistan, millions of Pakistanis are also living in Britain, and in this regard, Britain is an important friendly country for Pakistan.

British High Commissioner Miss Jane Marriott joined the Foreign Service in 1998. She has experience in working on security and atomic issues and has served in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Kenya. Her meetings with political parties in Pakistan are important.

  The attack on Chinese Engineers was shocking for both nations.Surprisingly, the attack was not claimed by any terrosist group. By all means , the justice should be done.

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