Thursday 25 April 2024

Political Image of Pakistan.

Political Image of  Pakistan.

Mubasher Mir

The political history of Pakistan is not so surprising that it cannot be understood, although a lot has been written on it, but still the aspects of research are not over, everyone has a different way of thinking, understanding and explaining. 
After 90 years of slavery in India, two independent states came into existence, but why Pakistan remained under scrutiny? Why did the world power America and its Allies, especially Great Britain and the Western nations, make Pakistan a mockery? What did they want from Pakistan at the time of establishment of Pakistan? There are many such questions, although soon after the establishment of Pakistan, the founder of Pakistan  Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah made it clear that our foreign policy would be associated with America and Great Britain, so we did not go towards the socialist bloc. But the socialist lobby continuously tried to strengthen its roots in Pakistan but failed because the state of Pakistan adopted a strict approach towards the socialists, even the leftist politicians faced fatwas of infidelity. People did not call them godly, they were called  anti-religionists, atheists by the rightist or religious element of the society. After the fall of the Soviet Union, leftist politics died,
 Pakistan did not formulate its own constitution, due to which a permanent formula for the distribution of power between East and West Pakistan could not be decided and the people of East Pakistan suffered deprivations.
India formed its constitution in 1950 and continued the series of elections, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah got less time and his health was not able to work more and live longer. British army generals were also not too concerned about the defense of the fledgling state, their approach to the armed struggle in Kashmir was different. The assassination of the first Prime Minister of the country, Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, was an indication that the state would be kept in a certain frame, where political opinion would not be valued. Therefore, the development of democracy was not possible. After the demise of the Quaid-e-Azam, the Objective Resolution was passed, from this it can be estimated that the character of the state was envisioned.
During the regime of President General Ayub Khan, the process of brutally crushing government opponents continued. The treatment of East Pakistan was very bad. During his regime, the most popular leader of East Pakistan, Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy, died mysteriously in a hotel in Beirut, while Foreign Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto met him a day before. When his dead body arrived in Dhaka, anti-Pakistan slogans were raised in the funeral prayer. The gulf between East and West Pakistan widened. The election of Ms. Fatima Jinnah is a black mark on the face of Pakistan's political history which can never be washed away, the votes received by Ms. Fatima Jinnah were despised and the state imposed its decision. Clashes were started with India in Kashmir to control the atmosphere of hatred towards the establishment in the country. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and a few Military Officers  planned a war with India but as a result the country became economically weak. India deliberately did not open a front in East Pakistan in 1965 and continued to try to build support there. India provided support to the Mukti Bahini movement, but Pakistan's security agencies and Government failed to expose this movement of India to the world.
General Ayub Khan had differences with Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and after the Tashkent Agreement, a movement against him was launched, which continued mostly in West Pakistan. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto founded his party People's Party during this time, so the Socialists were given the impression that there is relief for you but they later realized that they were deceived.
General Ayub Khan made another mistake and instead of handing over power to the people, he handed it over to a general. General Yahya proved to be a very weak and incompetent person politically. He broke one unit and made four provinces of West Pakistan while letting Bengal remain a single province, General Yahya Khan also continued to make wrong decisions in his greed for power. He completely failed to implement the results of the 1970 elections, failed to transfer power to the majority party, the Awami League, and became a victim of conspiracies. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's political pressure could not cope with the situation. General Yahya Khan made a historic mistake,He started military opertion  in East Pakistan. General Ayub Khan founded the Bengal Regiment during his tenure and did not include officers and Soldiers from other races as in other regiments. Bengal Regement adopted the idealogy of Awami League. So, an Army was available to them. 
East Pakistan seceded and became Bangladesh, as if democracy and politics had failed. The country broke up and the incompetence of a military ruler distorted the face of the country's political culture, in which the feudal politicians of West Pakistan sided with General Yahya Khan, the same people who opposed Ms. Fatima Jinnah with General Ayub Khan. They used to do it, then they supported those who broke the country. It is as if they supported power and not justice, which caused damage to the country.
People had high hopes for Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, but he nationalized the business organizations and  institutions, which destroyed industry, landlords became more powerful, reformed agricultural lands in Punjab province but refrained from doing so in Sindh province, his party was very popular. but did not try to organize it, at first the socialists were disappointed, then when he raised the slogan of Islam and brought constitution amendment to show the Islamization of State, that  did not work to save power, although there were a few successes, in which he started to form the constitution and tried to become a nuclear power, but he failed to strengthen democracy mainly because local government system was not introduced and the attitude towards political opponents was very strict. He got fame at the international level but did not succeed in controlling the situation in the country. Ignoring ideological people in the party, capitalists, landlords, vaderas, chiefs were given a prominent place, due to which the democratic institutions remained weak.
The country once again went under the control of a military ruler. The Afghan policy of General Zia-ul-Haq left the country in the grip of terrorism internally. His policy towards India was very strict but Pakistan suffered the wound of Siachen, General Zia-ul-Haq was able to compete and save Pakistan's nuclear program from other western countries including America, but the face of democracy was further distorted during his tenure. He adopted the path of controlled democracy, but globally Pakistan was seen as a deep state. He made the most corrupt people powerful in politics who are still the strongest people today and continue to undermine the true democratic principles.
The social, political and economic situation of Pakistan has become a disaster due to major mistakes in the Afghan policy. Mian Nawaz Sharif and Mutharma Benazir Bhutto ruled for almost 11 years twice, it made the people suspicious of democracy. As if the two Prime Ministers were conspiring with the military establishment to topple each other's government and accusing each other of destroying the country. Both of them did not do any fundamental work in developing the democratic culture, but new stories of corruption became public. The power generation contracts made during these periods chained the economy and the people of Pakistan The two Prime Ministers failed to develop the basic democratic system of local government system, thus the democracy almost died at the grass roots, across the country. Democratic Nurseries,like  Bar Councils, Press Clubs, Students Unions, Labor Unions, Arts Councils, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and other public associations also began to operate on the basis of power rather than popular vote. Thus the whole society got used to understanding the language of power.
In 1997, Nawaz Sharif was given an unexpected two-thirds majority, but he failed to consolidate democracy and once again faced the then Army Chief General Pervez Musharraf, who after the Kargil war, Relations were strained. Nawaz Sharif tried to build friendly relations with India in foreign policy, but he could not succeed in this. The military establishment prevailed once again when Nawaz Sharif tried to remove the army chief, General Pervez Musharraf overthrew the throne with the help of his fellow Generals  and came to power himself, thus democracy in Pakistan was once again derailed by force. 
After 9/11 in America, Afghanistan was attacked in the name of war against terrorism worldwide and the debris of Afghan policy fell on Pakistan, during which General Pervez Musharraf became stronger as a military ruler. He introduced his own style of democracy,with an improvement that introduced the local government system. Ms. Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif in exile made an agreement called the Charter of Democracy in London that democracy will be strengthened in the country but they could not bring anything called democracy in their parties. Mian Nawaz Sharif supported the lawyers movement against General Pervez Musharraf, General Pervez Kayani also played a role in removing General Pervez Musharraf from power. . Benazir Bhutto left this mortal world in the assassination attack. Although the People's Party got power, but the democratic traditions were not continue to grow.
The heads of political parties became very powerful in their parties through the 18th constitution amendment, provincial autonomy was declared a victory for democracy but the local government system was abolished. Later elections were held at the behest of the Supreme Court but the provinces were given to the political parties to solve their problems, but  they failed.
The way MQM adopted  violence in politics was similar to how individual political families throughout the country are doing , but MQM created an atmosphere of violence at the party level, which made Karachi a city where the young generation 
 was destroyed. The ruling institutions tried to maintain their dominance with the help of the judiciary. In the same way, the political families and parties also went far away from the democratic traditions and values.
During this time, the third force that was being mentioned emerged , Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) became popular with the people under the leadership of Imran Khan at least fifteen years after its establishment. It was sad, but the Secretariat of Tehreek-e-Insaf could not become the custodian of democratic traditions. However, Nawaz Sharif once again lost power under the system of controlled accountability, and the atmosphere of terrorism in the country subsided slightly with the efforts of General Raheel Sharif. The third force, Tehreek-e-Insaf got power in the federation, but once again the military establishment under the leadership of General Javed Bajwah  managed to end Imran Khan's government by colluding with the opposition and the face of democracy was distorted because of this. Because with the support of the country's establishment, the opposition did the worst horse trading, but Imran Khan did not commit the crime to save his government  . After that, in this way that was followed throughout the country, the Constitution of Pakistan was trampled.
Constitutionally, the term of the caretaker governments exceeded 90 days, the election commission did not conduct the election under the order of the Supreme Court, the census and terrorism were used as excuses.
On February 8, 2024, elections were finally held while former Prime Minister Imran Khan was in jail, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was brought back under government patronage, but a surprising situation arose. Tehreek-e-Insaf, which was faced with the worst situation for the election, a large number of people came out to vote in his favor. The stains on the face of democracy could have been erased, but once again the election results were interfered with using force and instead of giving power to the majority party, a situation was created that did not have the support of the people.
In all these situations, democracy has died, and governments have been established with the support of force. The election process in Pakistan has become a joke all over the world, despite restrictions on the media, people have set a high example of communication through social media. The show of force in the country is still ongoing. Fundamental human rights are virtually suspended across the country. Democracy now looks like a dead body emitting a foul smell. The people want real democracy but the powerful institutions of Pakistan are not ready to accept the decision of the people. This is the path of destruction. This fight does not seem to end until one force is completely dominant. The opinion of the people cannot be suppressed for long. If the people are the source of power, then their words should be accepted

Monday 22 April 2024

Ties & terrorism

 Ties & terrorism

Mubasher Mir

Since the beginning of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China decades ago, the series of cooperation started with the spirit of goodwill on the part of Pakistan to give a large area of ​​northern areas under the control of China and The two countries signed a border agreement. China also expressed goodwill and it was announced to build a Silk Road through the difficult mountain range of Karakoram. This highway, which is considered a great wonder of the world, is now named N35. Its total length is 1300 km, of which 887 km is in Pakistan and 413 km is in China. Construction began in 1966 and the highway was completed in 1979 and opened to the general public in 1986. More than 800 Pakistani and 200 Chinese workers lost their lives during the construction of this highway. It is as if sacrifices were made on both sides in building the relationship through this miracle Link.

When the two countries announced greater cooperation and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects were announced, some hostile forces started a series of terrorism to damage the growing relations between the two countries. In the past in Sindh , The Chinese engineers were abducted by behind-the-scene miscreants, but Pakistan's security agencies recovered them. This incident was reported in 1991 when Jam Sadiq Ali was the Chief Minister of Sindh. In 2004 also, Chinese engineers working on Gomal Dam were kidnapped but security agencies rescued them. There were a few other similar incidents involving the Taliban and the IMU-Uzbekistan organization, but Pakistani security agencies tried their best to control them.

After the launch of the CPEC projects, conspiracies started again to harm both the countries with the wave of terrorism. The biggest project of CPEC includes connecting Gwadar with Kashgar and developing Gwadar city which includes seaport, international airport, export processing zone and education, health and clean water projects, in this regard a Balochistan based organization called BLA also became part of the terrorist activities, which claimed to have attempted to target the Chinese Consulate Office Karachi on 23 November 2018, the Chinese Ambassador, Excellency Nong Rong, which took place in Quetta on 21 April 2021, and the University of Karachi in 2022.They  also carried out a fatal attack on the teachers of the Confucius Center.

Recently, the security of Pakistani and Chinese working on dams in the northern areas of Pakistan is being done in a very professional manner, but miscreants attacked in Bisham area and the most competent Chinese engineers lost their lives. Attempts to weaken the spirit of love and sacrifice between the two countries will never succeed because the leadership of both the countries is fully aware that the economic development roadmap set by the two countries is a Game  Changer in the region.  They believe that if China completes the economic development projects in Pakistan, Pakistan will become a great economic power in the future. .

There are agreements between Pakistan and China for the protection of Chinese workers  and a separate force has been formed to ensure security while Gilgit-Baltistan Scouts have also been deployed for this purpose, but preliminary investigations into the recent attack revealed that There were irregularities in the security system. The attacks on Chinese engineers so far have also shown that terrorists usually attack on the roads while workplace security is better, but the intelligence service needs to be improved in this regard. A terrorist network can be close to people working on economic projects. This is the reason that they must have received information about the movement of Chinese workers, the security agencies must be working on these bases.

In order to maintain trust in both countries, the investigation of the terrorist incident should be completed as soon as possible and a high-level official delegation should visit China to inform the Chinese leadership of the efforts being made to prevent terrorism. 

The relationship between Pakistan and China is eternal, no circumstances can weaken this relationship, terrorists will never succeed in their plots and the CPEC projects will be completed within the stipulated period.

The two countries are bound in a bond of brotherhood that will never end, a bond stronger than steel and will remain forever.

Talk about China


Talk about China

Part 5


Peking University is one of the best universities in China. It also has a prominent position in the global ranking. This institution was established on June 11, 1898 by an artist, Sun Jianai. During the reign of the "Guangxu Emperor", the university was established under an imperial decree. It is now taught in Chinese Mandarin and English. While many languages ​​are taught in foreign language schools. Higher education in engineering, science, technology is also being given in this university. It has an area of ​​680 acres in which a beautiful lake adds to its beauty. As if it is a city of knowledge and research.

Located in the "Haidian District" of Beijing, we were captivated by this historical school, our host  was there to welcome us at the door. The brilliant students of the Urdu department welcomed us, their fluent conversation in Urdu was very impressive. We were slowly walking towards the Urdu department building. And at the same time the introductory conversation was going on.

When the conversation was going on in Urdu and they were also asking questions to everyone with the Chinese girls, Nauman Nizami wanted to capture every scene on camera, so we were taking time to reach the department,  While walking along the bank of the beautiful Lake, it was felt that we were not in a university but in a tourist resort.

It was revealed to us that the names of the students of the Urdu class, with whom we were going to the Urdu department, are Aafia, Kainat and Qudsia. Actually, their Chinese names are different, but being students of Urdu language and literature, they have kept their names in Urdu in love of Urdu. It was similar to Mr. Jason and Miss Tong who had English names instead of Chinese names.


Javed Malik asked  what is the name of this lake, everyone said that there is no name. I wonder how such a big lake is without a name. It is better to rename it as "Qudsia Lake". To which there was a loud laugh, and a lively lakeside photography session happened. Outside the Urdu department we were welcomed by  Professor Tahira, She is the most competent Urdu teacher who has worked on the culture of Pakistan while being Chinese.

Professor Tahira  also named herself "Tahira" in love of Urdu and is called by the same name. His style is very dignified.  Pakistan Study Center is established along with Urdu department. Which is headed by Professor Dr. Thang MingSheng He looks a very friendly and has tolerant personality. Patience and calmness is reflected on his face. He got up from his seat , came forward and met us all individually and  greeted us warmly. The atmosphere was very pleasant, the building seemed to have been built a long time ago, but its  arrangements looked very wonderful.

Professor Tahira said in the introductory session about the Urdu department that at present we have ten students. Chinese people love Urdu language very much. Currently, Urdu departments have been established in eight universities of China. Where the Chinese are familiar with Urdu language and literature, this trend is increasing with the expansion of Pak-China relations.

Professor Dr. Thang Mingsheng revealed regarding the establishment of the Urdu Department that in 1954, our Prime Minister  was "Chou Enlai" and  Department of Urdu was established at Peking University under his direction.

He said ,One can imagine that the history of China is centuries old.  although modern China emerged on the world map in a new way in 1949 as a result of the Chinese revolution under the auspices of the Communist Party of China, but its leadership had heartily recognized the importance of Pakistan, and started the education of  national language Urdu, it was his vision that we have to start the most important relations with our neighboring country in the near future. He also visited Pakistan and paid an official visit and he really laid the foundation of Pakistan-China relations which is now on its rise.

Professor Thang's talk was very interesting, his personality is an important example of Pak-China relations and brotherhood. The professor disclosed that he has visited Pakistan 180 times. While the government of Pakistan has also awarded him with the "Sitara e Imtiaz .

Karachi Diary.

 Karachi Diary.

 Mubasher Mir

A public meeting was held in Garhi Khudabakhsh on the occasion of the anniversary of founder of People's Party Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in which President Asif Ali Zardari and Chairman Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed. He emphasized on the politics of reconciliation. This is certainly a good suggestion. People's Party should start it in Sindh province and try to resolve the issues with political opponents through negotiation. But it has not been demonstrated yet.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has claimed that Asif Ali Zardari had completed 90% of the work on the Charter of Democracy in his first term of government, now 10% of the work is for judicial reforms. Surprisingly, despite this much work, democracy remains weak.

It is a great opportunity for Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and President Asif Ali Zardari to correct the shortcomings of the past years. In the province of Sindh, his party is in the government for the fourth time in a row and without participation they have a majority. This time they should implement the slogan of bread, cloth and house, (Roti, Kapra aor Makaan) at least at the level of Sindh province.

At present, Karachi city is in the grip of street crimes while interior Sindh is at the mercy of Riverine bandits who have adopted kidnapping for ransom as a profession for decades. In addition to corruption, crime has become a profession throughout the province. Pakistan People's Party should resolve to rid Sindh of criminal elements to fulfill the dreams of its martyrs.

President Asif Ali Zardari vacated his National Assembly seat from Nawabshah, on which his daughter Asifa Bhutto Zardari was a candidate, she has been elected unopposed. His opponent is knocking on the door of the court. PTI-backed candidate Mustafa Rind is claiming that he was abducted and was not released until papers were forcibly signed. He has requested the Sindh High Court to annul the notification of Asifa Bhutto Zardari's victory.

The government of Sindh should have cooperated with the Election Commission to investigate the claim of Mustafa Rind and let the real situation come out. The Sindh High Court will also conduct the investigation, of course the police will be taken for this. It is to be seen how far Mustafa Rind proves to be true in his claim.Asifa Bhutto Zardari took her oath in National Assembly few days ago.

Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori has been continuously indicating that efforts are underway to remove him. MQM is also not supporting them fully in this regard. Kamran Tesori is highlighting his performance and achievements but party sources are reluctant to openly stand by him.

IG Police Sindh Ghulam Nabi Memon has appealed for help from the civil society to end street crimes. Of course, the cooperation of the civil society is necessary for the institutions of the country without which success is not possible, but before that the IG Police Sindh has to clean up his department. . The police department has gained a lot of notoriety due to non-cooperation from the public. In order to improve it, they have to take bold action against the corrupt elements.

MQM leader Nasreen Jalil has given a strong press conference against street crimes. He has strongly condemned the incident of street crimes that happened with her worker Shahina Sohail. In recent days, street criminals had robbed the leader of MQM, while after the incident, she was found injured and her footage also came out, on which the public reacted very strongly. Nasreen Jalil has warned that if the Sindh government fails to stop the crimes, then we can go on protest. There is panic in the whole city due to the street crimes.

PTI plans to hold a rally on April 28 in Karachi. Their aim is to unite the public through general meeting and try to maintain the spirit of election among their political workers. PTI is going through a very difficult period where it is very difficult for their party to continue political activities.

President Asif Ali Zardari has held the bureaucracy of Islamabad responsible for the situation and poverty of the country in Garhi Khudabakhsh. He says that bureaucratic policies are preventing the country from becoming developed. This may be true to a certain extent but it is not entirely true because the problems facing Pakistan are due to the nexus involving all the elements that make decisions . Who prioritize their interests over national interests. They occupy any important position but they become a part of the group which puts national interests behind.

The list of these thousands of bureaucrats is still available on social media for everyone, in which it was revealed that thousands of bureaucrats and officers have taken the citizenship of another country. Those who have sworn allegiance to another country.It is so sad for the homeland.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Why is Kala Bagh Dam important?

 Why is Kala Bagh Dam important?

Mubasher Mir

After the birth of two countries,  India-Pakistan, the water dispute started. In 1948, India started blocking the water coming to Pakistan, so Pakistan wanted a water sharing agreement between the two countries, at the same time the conflict between the two countries had also started over Kashmir. The source of the rivers flowing in Pakistan and India is also the Himalayan range which starts from Tibet and then various rivers enter the plains of both countries through Skardu, Gilgit, Baltistan and Kashmir. The different civilizations that flourished in the valleys of the rivers, such as the Nile River, the Euphrates River, which pass through different countries and also have water sharing agreements between them, every civilization have her own history. The water sharing agreement was not needed in united India, but after the formation of international border between the two countries in 1947, it became necessary.
The Indus Basin Treaty was concluded in 1960 in which the World Bank was the mediator between the two countries. The President of Pakistan, General Ayub Khan, signed the agreement and was assisted in the negotiations by his Minister of Water and Power, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Today, the water vision of these two gentlemen is surprised that they did not link this agreement with the solution of the Kashmir issue, because the Kashmir issue is actually a war of control over water. No one has any sympathy for the bloodshed of the Kashmiri people.
Pakistan ceded the Eastern Rivers, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas to India forever, leaving Pakistan's southern Punjab region barren. It was also announced to give some water of Western River, Chenab, Jhelum and Sindh to India and the right to withhold water for generating electricity was also recognized. India has started hydropower generation on Chenab and Jhelum, because economic development is possible only with cheap electricity. Pakistan could not collect water according to its needs, the goal of generating cheap electricity was not achieved, the Kashmir problem remained the same and differences also arose between the federation and the provinces on the distribution of water, so as a result of this agreement,  A lot of damage has been done.
General Ayub Khan was very hesitant before the agreement, because he was told by an economist that in the future, if Kashmir is annexed to Pakistan, then this agreement will benefit you, if not, there will be difficulties, today this has been proven. That problems have arisen for Pakistan. Pakistan planned to build the Kala Bagh Dam, but the project fell victim to political deadlock. If Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had not been hanged and President General Zia-ul-Haq had not carried out an operation to crush the MRD movement in Sindh, the people of Sindh would not have so much hatred against the federation, but Balochs and Pakhtuns would have been mistreated. For this reason, in their eyes, federation means Punjab and Punjab means military establishment. President General Ziaul Haq did not make a serious effort to build the Kala Bagh Dam with the help of Pirpagada, while the Pannu Aqil Cantonment also faced a lot of opposition and finally it was built, but the plan to improve the economy went backwards. Nawaz Sharif and Ms. Benazir Bhutto were also not against the project but they did not dare to build the dam due to the opposition of nationalist parties.
President General Pervez Musharraf also had the opportunity to do this work, but Altaf Hussain, the head of MQM, stopped him from this work. He was afraid of the opposition of MQM in Sindh.
India is constantly engaged in water aggression with Pakistan. Federation and provinces continue to make accusations and statements about water distribution, but no province has raised its voice till date for getting less water from India. The Provincial Assemblies passed a resolution against the Kala Bagh Dam, but no such voice was heard in any Provincial Assembly against India's water aggression. India lobbies Pakistan a lot for not building a dam. This admission has come out on which the Federation of Pakistan should have worked seriously but did not.
In the light of the water distribution agreement of 1991, officers of the Sindh Irrigation Department are also appointed at Head Panjand, they should work diligently and try to treat it in case of water shortage. A canal irrigates the province of Balochistan from Guddu barrage, the Balochistan government has reservations on it from the province of Sindh, Karachi in the province of Sindh does not get twelve hundred cusecs of water for the whole year, while the influential political families tops the priority list of the Sindh Irrigation Department.  Therefore, small  farmers (Hari or Mazara) are suffering from problems while the areas of southern Sindh are also suffering from water shortage. Depletion of water storage is the root cause of the problem, from the partnership in the Indus Basin to the Indus Delta.
The rivers flowing in Pakistan are in full flow only 120 days of the year which include floodplain. After April, the snow melts from the mountains and in May, water starts flowing into the rivers. The water level rises in June and July, while the rains become the heaviest after the onset of monsoon. It seems that till September there is enough water in the rivers. This is the time when we should collect water in our lakes because after October the water level in the rivers is very low. The flow of water from Mangala and Tarbela dams through canals irrigates the fields, apart from this we have no water storage. If we want the flow of water to continue, then increasing the storage capacity is inevitable.
If the flow of water will increase from 120 days, then the water will be able to reach the Indus Delta, while the water obtained from the rains should also be stored, the used water should also be made reusable. A water purification system should be established from the sea and a drip irrigation system should be adopted for farming. Trees should cover 25% of the area in Pakistan, this will increase rainfall and reduce water scarcity further.
A constitutional amendment should be brought to protect the distribution of water between the federation and the provinces, in which the Water Vision 2050 should be prepared and approved unanimously. India has created a lot of water storage capacity and wants to amend the Indus Basin Treaty. To get more water from Pakistan. For this, the issue of Kashmir and water distribution should be jointly discussed, otherwise Pakistan will suffer from more water shortage by 2050.
Pakistan also has the capacity to build thousands of small and big lakes, for which planning should be done on a priority basis. Whatever we name it, water storage projects should be worked on for the needs of the entire country.

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Karachi. Political Diary


 Karachi. Political Diary

 Mubashir Mir

President Asif Ali Zardari has vacated his National Assembly seat NA 207 Nawabshah Shaheed Benazirabad district after his new responsibility and his younger daughter who has also been given the status of the First Lady in the President's House, She was a candidate in the election, against her, three people who belonged to the Rind tribe filed their nomination papers. There were reports of them being pressured in various ways. Then they stepped down and Asifa Bhutto Zardari was elected as a member of the National Assembly unopposed. The rhetoric between the leaders of Pakistan Peoples Party and Tehreek-e-Insaaf continues on this. Tehreek-e-Insaaf has alleged that the candidate's nomination papers were first rejected and then after that he  was approved as candidate, the police from Sukrund town near Nawabshah, arrested him and forcibly returned the nomination papers. PPP ministers have denied this, its a big question , why the PPP is working on getting its candidates elected unopposed when their party's history is already full of allegations in this regard, when Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was elected unopposed in the 1977 election, then the police and district administration were active against the opposing candidate. People's Party has won the seat in Nawabshah, if an election is held on it, what kind of doom would come. On the other hand, PTI-supported independent candidate Ghulam Mustafa Rind has announced to challenge the unopposed victory of Asifa Bhutto Zardari in the court. He said that he was allegedly abducted from Sukrund town on his way back from Hyderabad and released two days later at Nawabshah after the victory of Asifa Bhutto.

PPP has formed the government for the fourth time in a row in Sindh province and still they are afraid to compete. The February 8 allegations are still not over and they have come up with new allegations. At least twelve people of PPP have been elected unopposed in Sindh.The upper house election where ultimately Faisal Vavda has been elected as independent candidate ,surprisingly PPP and MQM supported him because he is supposed to be the close person of establishment and the same situation has been observed regarding Mohsin Naqvi . Tehreek-e-Insaf has announced a boycott of voting in the Sindh Assembly for the election of the Senate.In KPK , the situation is becoming worse between KPK govt and ECP.

Jamaat-e-Islami organized a rally in favor of the martyrs of Palestine and also announced that after Eid-ul-Fitr, a movement would be launched to restore the mandate in the elections. Of course, Tehreek-e-Insaf and other parties, especially GDA, will also support him from Sindh and there is a possibility of starting the movement from Sindh province itself. Federal Commerce Minister Jam Kamal has claimed during his visit to Karachi that the People's Party may also become a part of the federal cabinet in the near future. Apparently, the PPP has no reservations but may want to fulfill some demands before becoming part of the cabinet.

Street crimes in Karachi have exceeded the limit in the last decade of Ramadan. People have caught some looters and they have been killed but this is not the solution. Sindh Police seems to be unable to control street crimes and Rivrine robbers, now another operation against the Rivrine robbers has been announced. Surprisingly, a Jirga has been held in Karachi in which the police party has been sentenced to pay the fine. On May 29, 2023, seven police officers led by Inspector Nabi Baksh arrested a young Saddam Lashari in Jacobabad and then he lost his life in police custody. In this regard, the decision between the members of his tribe and the police has been made in the Jirga court. The said jirga was held at Sarki House in Karachi which was presided over by Sardar Zulfiqar Ali Sarki and among other prominent persons, Liaqat Ali Lashari, President of People's Party Jacobabad district was present.

The Chief Jirga has declared the police guilty and ordered the seven police officers to pay Rs 22 million to the family of the deceased. The Jirga Courts have been declared illegal by the High Courts, while the tribal families make their decisions under it. The dual system of justice in the state of Pakistan is amazing.

The birth anniversary of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, founder chairman of People's Party is being celebrated. Because of Ramadan, it will be celebrated simply, no big gathering will be held for it. This is the first anniversary of ZA Bhutto after the opinion given in the Supreme Court regarding the hanging sentence of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, but the People's Party is not doing any big program on it, although it has been announced after Eid-ul-Fitr. A program will be organized. Like every year, this year also 21st of Ramadan, Day of Imam Ali celebrations were organized across the province, the martyrdom day of Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him) was celebrated with devotion and respect. Maula Ali (peace be upon him) established a high standard of justice and fairness during his reign. This was the reason the selfish and greedy people turned against him. A wonderful book has been written on him by the Lebanese Christian writer John Jardag, which is the most prominent book written on Maula Ali (peace be upon him). The book is written in Arabic. It was first published in 1956, later it was translated into English, in which  justice of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) was specially mentioned. Mufti Jafar Hussain , Prominant Religious Scholar has also written a wonderful book on him in Urdu which was published in the name of Sirat Amirul Momineen , (Biography).

Nahj-ul-Balagha containing the sermons of Hazrat Imam Ali is considered to be the best book. In it, he wrote a letter to his Governor, Malik Ashtar, which is still considered as the golden rule of governance. While the Will he gave to his son Imam Hasan was also an excellent document and still it is. There is also a book containing the judgments of Maula Ali which is the best guide regarding justice and fairness. Justice has been a major issue in every era, so guidance can be obtained from their decisions.

The government has again invited inflation by increasing petrol prices before Eid-ul-Fitr. In Ramadan, people have already been depressed under the huge level of inflation, now they have no more capacity left in them.

The Federal Finance Minister has reiterated in the meeting with the Sindh Chief Minister that the cooperation between the provinces and the federation will be improved in the completion of development projects.

The surprising thing is that the foreign minister has also got the status of proxy finance minister. They have also been included in the Council of Common Interests. The Prime Minister of Pakistan gives importance to them in economic affairs. But from a professional point of view, the finance minister should be in charge of all economic affairs and the foreign minister has a huge responsibility first. Although the stock exchange index is increasing, the growth rate is not showing an increase at this pace.

The British High Commissioner in Pakistan held meetings with the leaders of People's Party and MQM in the provincial capital Karachi. He met PPP women wing chief Faryal Talpur and Asifa Bhutto Zardari at Bilawal House and discussed the political situation of Pakistan while two provincial ministers were also present. Later he also met the Provincial Minister for Energy. The British High Commissioner met the party delegation at the residence of MQM woman leader Nasreen Jalil, in both meetings the Deputy High Commissioner and Political Attaché were also present.

Bilawal House issued a statement regarding the meeting while Mustafa Kamal from the MQM delegation briefed the media about the discussion in the meeting. No statement was issued by the British High Commission. Before this, she has also met Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif in Lahore.

Regarding the above meetings, it is said that issues of mutual interest were discussed and the challenges faced by Pakistan were discussed. Britain takes a deep interest in the affairs of Pakistan, millions of Pakistanis are also living in Britain, and in this regard, Britain is an important friendly country for Pakistan.

British High Commissioner Miss Jane Marriott joined the Foreign Service in 1998. She has experience in working on security and atomic issues and has served in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq and Kenya. Her meetings with political parties in Pakistan are important.

  The attack on Chinese Engineers was shocking for both nations.Surprisingly, the attack was not claimed by any terrosist group. By all means , the justice should be done.