Wednesday 25 October 2023

Unity in Diversity

Unity in Diversity Mubasher Mir
It is human nature that he has the ability to think differently, his ideas may differ. Whether it is the concept of God or the matters of life, not all people think the same way, people belonging to different colors, races and languages live in different regions of the world. Similarly, people may have different beliefs, ideas and religions, but there are also people who claim not to be followers of any religion. When the world is so different that it is difficult for most people to agree, the question arises as to what the rules and regulations should be for living together. After all, what are the points on which people with different ideas and ideologies can be willing to live together and harmony and unity can be created in them. Even when man lived in caves, he had adopted the principles of coping with the situation together, similarly, tribes have some issues in common, even though they have different ideas and religions, a common agenda can be adopted. When man began to form governments, and from tribes to nations and states, he learned to live better than past, though from the beginning a problem for man has been how to live with the powerful, because the person, group, institution or state that becomes powerful, its power is usually expressed by exploitation, it uses power on the weaker than itself. Humans can express hatred or love towards people of different color, language and race. Different ideologies, beliefs and religions can also develop feelings of hatred or love. But for all these reasons, if one becomes powerful, his power is usually expressed in a terrifying way. Humans have fought wars against each other in the world for centuries, and humans have killed humans, out of hatred or other, and then interests are hidden behind it. People of the same color, race and language used to fight against each other, similarly people of the same religion and belief do not refrain from fighting against each other when their interests collide. How can human society be made a peaceful and united society? It seems very easy for like-minded people to live together, but the real challenge is for people with different ideas to live together. In the modern age, man has established a system of states and states have a house, the United Nations. Similarly, in his own state, man has devised a system of government to run the state system. For which there is a framework which is called the constitution of the country and in the light of this constitution laws are made to facilitate the solution of the problems. An analysis of the constitutions of countries around the world shows that more or less each country has a very good framework according to its needs and its laws are also well-made. Similarly, institutions are also established to implement them. All the countries have formed their own armed forces to protect themselves. Ground, air and naval forces and then intelligence agencies also work. The question is that if man is becoming conscious day by day, he has created the best framework laws and forums to live on the planet to resolve conflicts through dialogue, yet armies and deadliest weapons are also being created. . After all, why is man in danger from man? Why does one person want to subjugate or enslave another person? Even the inhabitants of the so-called civilized world rely on lethal weapons. There is only one deficiency behind it that there is a lack of justice in the whole world despite all the arrangements, people talk about establishing justice. There are frameworks, laws and institutions for this, but it is difficult to establish justice. Every year at the United Nations Forum, the rulers of the developing countries convince the rulers of the powerful countries that the weaker nations of the world should be treated equally. Justice is also important at the political and economic level. Be it social level or other sectors, unity cannot be established without fulfilling the requirements of justice and justice with weak people and nations. Even in a single state, different societies develop where there is a difference within a person and he looks different in speaking and looking, but justice is necessary to create unity in this diversity. If there is no justice in a state, then harmony will end and diversity will not be able to present an example of unity, if justice is established, unity will be established in diversity. Justice is the Key to make unity in diversity, otherwise the society will ruin totally. If a majority is converted into a minority due to power, then this will also be an example of injustice. Any society in the world with any diversity can maintain unity. If the system of this society is based on justice, otherwise that society loses its existence. History is a witness that many such societies and governments have been wiped out of existence which have established a system of government on the basis of injustice. A society based on justice will remain forever.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Karachi. Political Diary

Karachi. Political Diary Mubashir Mir
A meeting of the Sindh Apex Committee was held in which the top civil-military officials participated. COAS General Asim Munir attended the meeting as special guest ,while CM Sindh CareTaker Presided the Apex committee meeting. This has been told that Karachi is the hub of the economic activities in the country so the problems of the city were resolved as soon as possible. In the Sindh Apex Committee meeting, Governor Sindh and Mayor Karachi were not invited , as The Governor of KPK was also not invited to the meeting of the Apex Committee of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Sindh's caretakers plan to step up crackdown on robbers, It should be dealt with an iron hand, but there should also be a policy related to the Kucha area of Sindh, There are more than three hundred Goths with more or less 4 thousand people.So the Sindh Govt should come up with plan. The Sindh Apex Committee should also ask the depts that how the resources were used in the past. Sindh Care taker govt should ordered for independent audits because a lot of incidents were clearly revealed. According to some reports, Hotel Sambara of Larkana PIA was allotted to the Sindh government, which was worth one billion rupees, the Auditor General's report also came out regarding this, many medical institutions were given huge grants. It should be decided to conduct an independent audit of Arts Council Karachi, grants have been given but it has not yet been done. PML-N started preparing for Mian Nawaz Sharif's arrival in Pakistan. Surprisingly former DG FIA Bashir Memon heads their special committee. Some time ago, Mr.Memon has expressed his opinion against Imran Khan .It was totally against the former PM. Now after retirement he has joined Muslim League-N. It is an old practice in Pakistan that after the retirement of civil and military officers,they used to join the political parties .whose primary reason is to disagree with another political party, as if they do not become political on the basis of any ideology, is a wrong path. It is also not a good example for a civil-military bureaucrat to be a supporter of a political party. If it is banned then it should be thought right, but more than that the bureaucrats themselves also want to think that their position and reputation will be affected. After retirement, they openly join that organization or party. Bashir Memon has also set the same example. Many people have been committed before them, it is not a legal or constitutional restriction but their moral responsibility is very important. The electoral alliance between GDA, MQM and Jamiat Ulema Islam (F) has been implemented up to the level of Sindh. Sardar Rashid Soomro in a strong constituency in Larkana. Sardar Abdul Rahim and Dr. Safdar Abbasi from Pirpagara are very active and dynamic. While most of MQM's decisions were made by Syed Musta Kamal. PTI also got permission to work. In Sindh, people are coming out now. there are some scary reports that raids in Sindh on PTI workers have been stopped. Now it will take time to restore their confidence, they may also become part of this group. Thus, a big alliance was formed against the People's Party. So far, there is no good news from the People's Party Sindh. Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari and other leaders of his party are constantly giving statements for immediate elections.

Friday 13 October 2023

Corporate Crime

Corporate Crime Mubashher Mir
Whether the business is being done by private institutions or the government, there are stories of irregularities or corruption somewhere. In Pakistan, there are many business enterprises of the government, while many enterprises were sold by the government after seeing the failed situation after nationalization, while many enterprises were sold to private companies despite being profitable. MCB Bank which was once a Muslim Commercial Bank, better known as Habib Bank Answers HBL, was not making losses but was sold by the Govt. Corporate governance in Pakistan is also weak due to the interference of influential institutions of the government and prominent names of politics in such institutions. Political parties made over-employment in government enterprises to strengthen their trade unions, due to which those enterprises went into losses, now the government wants to sell them. There was a fraud in the DHA Phase IV branch of MCB Bank some time ago when the operation manager there had invested the money of the account holders in betting on cricket but the fraud was caught. Similarly, in MCB Bank, Bahria Town Branch, Lahore, some bank officers fraudulently withdrew money from the account of a senior citizen, but the bank retired its manager. Recently the officers of Creek Marina Project through Meezan Bank and Silk Bank did money laundering of 30 billion, FIA Commercial Crimes Circle has also registered an FIR on it, some of the responsible persons have also been arrested. But it is surprising that State Bank of Pakistan has not yet taken any action against Meezan Bank and Silk Bank. FIA officials say that hundreds of cases of corporate crime are pending. Things seem to be much worse in the commercial sector. In Pakistan, regulatory authorities, SECP, State Bank are institutions that can play an important role in controlling corporate crimes, but there too things look very bad. SECP does not try to make corporate governance, good governance, the avenues of covert corruption are open so there is no harmony between employees and owners in many private enterprises. Well, every company has its own duty to keep moral values in mind and follow good traditions in business. State Bank is giving open concessions to commercial banks. Commercial banks have increased the banking charges a lot. A lot of money is being charged in the name of the credit card. Crores of rupees are collected in the name of annual fee. Similarly, debit card fees and charges have become very high. State Bank did not hold public hearings on commercial bank issues to redress the grievances of account holders. Similarly, SECP also fails to make the system of board of directors of companies of high quality. In this regard, he should also redress the grievances of a public, shareholders and employees. Pakistan’s judicial system is failing to deliver justice. Our rating in delivering justice around the world is embarrassingly low. Getting justice from the courts is beyond the reach of the common man. A ray of hope is the ombudsman institutions where problems can be resolved without fees. But their mandate is limited. Public complaints against the utility companies electricity, gas and telephone departments are endless. Although many people get relief, but many people do not get access to this system. The crimes of power generating and selling companies in Pakistan are also increasing day by day. The defects in the policy of setting up of power plants are created by the government. According to the policy given by the Muslim League-N and the People’s Party, the IPPs set up power generating plants, till date there has been no independent audit in the energy sector. People have paid billions of rupees, but electricity, gas and petrol are being bought at high prices. To remedy this, it is necessary to audit the electricity companies. The government is taking steps to improve the economy but is not correcting its policies. Law enforcement agencies are failing to prevent trafficking. FBR, Customs, Income Tax system is so corrupt that the corruption of police and politicians is nothing before them. In such institutions, officers are appointed with recommendations, to earn more money, which is a shame. Corruption is the most important reason in the development of Pakistan which has ruined all the institutions and economic system. To put Pakistan on the path of real development, corporate governance has to be improved to control corporate crimes. Private enterprises are very important for the development of the country, they pay taxes to the government and also provide employment. But if they follow the path of crime, then destruction becomes destiny. Punishing crimes is one way, but eliminating the causes of crime is even more important. Improvements in both legal framework and law enforcement are essential. Along with this, by keeping “Ethics” and “Values” in mind, the path of crime is blocked. Rather than creating new crime prevention institutions, reforming existing institutions may yield better results. Difficult decisions are very necessary to revive the economy in Pakistan, otherwise more losses are certain.