Friday 22 September 2023

Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

By: Mubasher Mir

The MQM leadership has strongly criticized Jamaat-e-Islami and accused it of politics of violence. Similarly, the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami has commented on the political role of MQM that they enjoyed power but did not provide a permanent solution to the problems of the city of Karachi. Politics has been and is happening in the same way throughout the country. It is true that political parties also ignore public issues after coming to power, while political parties have also been accused of adopting violence against their opponents. The city of Karachi has become more unfortunate in the sense that hatred has been fostered here in the name of politics, people have cut each other's throats and thousands of young people of the city have lost their lives, many families have been destroyed and hundreds of families have to save their lives. So they left their businesses and migrated to other countries. This story of persecution exists with facts, but who is responsible for it? It is becoming difficult to determine and accusations are being run as an election campaign.
MQM has started announcing its candidates for the upcoming general election. The name of Syed Hafeezuddin Advocate was given first, now the names of Syed Mustafa Kamal, Iqbal Masood and Humayun Usman have been announced. These four people will be candidates for National Assembly from Karachi. The party has also decided the constituencies but they cannot be finalized yet as they will be finalized when the nomination papers are filed. MQM wishes to field candidates from all over the country, but it is impossible to do so, because such a wish can be made, but it is not practically possible because the political power of MQM is already reduced. It is difficult to field candidates from all over Sindh for this.
The prices of energy sources especially petroleum and electricity gas are increasing day by day. There have been many protests against the recent electricity bills but the caretaker government has failed to provide relief to the people. Gas prices are also being increased. The price per unit of electricity is expected to increase further. Along with this relief, more burdens are being imposed here.
The sharp rise in petroleum prices has paralyzed life, people have started avoiding travel. All political parties including Jamaat-e-Islami, Muslim League Functional and Sindh United are also giving protest statements. However, Jamaat-e-Islami has announced to protest by stopping vehicles. At present, MQM seems deprived of street power, Tehreek-e-Insaaf is suffering from difficulties. Jamaat-e-Islami is the only political party which is regularly protesting on the streets but the government is not giving up. Jamaat-e-Islami has also made fruitful protests. Now, business life has been affected the most by the increase in petroleum prices. The business community is very worried about this as it has resulted in a record increase in food prices. Vendors in markets are charging their own prices. Other services, including transport fares, have also increased. In this way, running the affairs of fasting has become beyond the reach of the common man.
Political parties are issuing separate protest statements on all kinds of public issues but are unable to formulate a common strategy. The solution to Pakistan's problems is for institutions to work together, but political parties do not trust each other. Only political dialogue can pave the way for common struggle. But the people's trust has not been established on any political figure. Therefore, there is growing frustration among the people, which is a sign of danger for the stability of the state. Senior political leaders should engage in dialogue and work on ideas that pave the way for solutions.
People in the city of Karachi thought that the caretaker government would provide some relief, according to the reports so far illegal water hydrants are being raided, but the water supply in the city has not increased and the water tankers have not become cheaper. . These are the reasons due to which the grief of the people is increasing day by day.
In a program of the Pakistan Council of Foreign Relations, there was a lively discussion on the political and economic relations of the five ASEAN countries with Pakistan, in which it was emphasized that Pakistan's trade relations with the ASEAN countries should increase. ASEAN is an economic bloc whose countries have very good diplomatic relations with Pakistan. The consulates of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam participated in the program and various suggestions were given on increasing trade links.
Recently there have been reports of recovery of cash from the basement of a newspaper owner's office in Rawalpindi. His other businesses include housing societies. The victims of Gulshan Kashmir held a protest outside the Karachi Press Club in the city of Karachi. This institution was sold more impressively to the people of Kashmir. According to Alatiz, Gulshan Kashmir is also a housing society of the same newspaper owner. The victims were demanding the government to protect their investments.
The speed of street crimes in the city of Karachi has increased. Bridges are also installed at places, several mobile teams are seen patrolling. Rangers are also present in the city but the street crime is not stopping. Several types of teams are formed. Police stations are also more than ever, but criminals always make a way for themselves.
The figures from January 2023 till now are enough to blow anyone's mind. Along with robbery, they also open fire on people, due to which many people have lost their lives. The police have to increase the use of technology to control these crimes. And at the same time, their safety must be ensured with the help of the public. Similar expectations were being expected from the new Aji Sindh but till now it is becoming difficult for them to handle the situation. There are many meetings of government officials but results are not achieved. For this, the method must also be changed. By which life for the people can come out of the environment of oppression and oppression.

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