Saturday 30 September 2023

The Reason to Smile

 The Reason to Smile

Mubasher Mir


Generally speaking  whenever we meet any Chinese friend anywhere in the world, we greet each other with smile with glittering eyes. It could be observed practically 
when we were boarding China bound flight from Dubai to Beijing .We observed the welcoming smiles which reflected the great love and affection the Chinese have for us
It was a great initiative by His Excellency, Yung Yundong, Counsel General of China in Karachi, to promote the people to  people contact between the two Nations. It was great honour for me when CG nominated me as The Head of Delegation.

The delegation comprised of known media personalities belonging to different media houses. We had with us Ahmed Malik, a seasoned journalist, Ex-PresidentKarachi Press Club, Professor Dr. Muhammad Ali Ehsan Scholar and regular contributor in an English Newspaper, Javaid Malik Chief Editor of an English Newspaper and known as, Marketer and Advertiser, Shama Munshi, freelance writer, author and regular contributor in an English Newspaper, Syed Ali ShabbarNaqvi, a young dynamic writer of English Daily, GulRukhsar, a young and talented journalist and last but not the least Noman Nizami who has a passion for photo journalism.
We feel immense pleasure to acknowledge that the Karachi Editors Club (KEC) has always tried their best to promote Pak-China relations for the last six years. We as KEC strongly and firmly believe that both countries must work together forever and no one is allowed to cause any dent in our strong friendship and love that we have built over the years.


The Karachi Editors enjoys unique privilege to start the anniversary celebrations of The Communist Party of China (CPC) first time in Pakistan, when Excellency Li Bijian was the Council General in Karachi
He appreciated our efforts many a times publicly.
Mr. ManzarNaqvi, Secretary General Karachi Editors Club,deserves great appreciation who coordinated all type of arrangements of the media delegation visit to China  with Consulate General of China  in befitting manner. He was all the time in contact with the delegation during our visit to China

The delegation was warmly welcomed by the Officials-of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China at Beijing International Airport on June 26th, 2023. Our visit was beautifully organised that lasted for eight days.In Beijing we visited the Tian’amen Square, The Forbidden City, Peking University, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Silk Street and enjoyed delicious Chinese cuisine as well. The visit was very informative 
and we learned a lot about the Chinese, their history, Life, Culture, Political & EconomicVision especially (BRI) Belt and Road initiative and the most important project  for Pakistan,China Pakistan Economic Corridor(CPEC)
We were enlightened about the Chinese history of four Dynasties, Opium war, Struggle for Revolution and true achievements of CPC to make the China a modern Country and an economic power.
It was indeed a great honour for us to know when the high officials emphasised on the  continuity of cooperation between the two great countries. It was further categorically assured that whatever the situation may be  in the world, Pakistan and China shall always work together because we have mutual interest. 
Same spirit was observed during our visit in Peking University, when we met Professor Dr. Tang Mengshang. He expressed a great hope that China wants Pakistan to grow by leaps & bounds.
In the shining city of China, Shanghai our meeting with the scholars from Shanghai Institute of International Studies has been a great source of encouragement. They added that CPEC is the flagship project of BRI and there is no chance for India to join this game-changer program.
While the delegation was in Suzhou, it was a great experience to visit the bus manufacturing factory of Higer, but at same time they are also  manufacturing people friendly economy vehicles as well. We enjoyed the rides of Driverless Electric Mini Bus. This would be the future bus because of climate changes, and it is also  on the main agenda of the world community, and the urban society needs these types of vehicles for the progression of the society as a whole.

We observed the height of delight and glow in the eyes of our brothers Chinese when we presented the Jinnah Cap, related to the founder of Pakistan “Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah” to our respected hosts.
They looked very happy  to wear the caps and the gentle smiles as a good will gesture. The relationship between the two Nations began  as friends and now we are brothers with strong commitments I believed the reason behind the smile and affection is trust on eachother the relationship between the two nations was started as friends and now we are brothers with strong commitments.


When we were leaving from Beijing Airport for Pakistan we were seen off by our coordinator who looked after us well always with smiling face. Whatever the situation in the region or in world politics we have built the level of trust higher – even higher than the Himalayas because this trust will further strengthen bonds of friendship between the two great countries

Long live Pak China Friendship

Mubasher Mir

President Karachi Editors Club

Thursday 28 September 2023

Socio-Economic Impact for CPEC


Socio-Economic Impact for CPEC

Mubasher Mir

Regarding the relationship between Pakistan and China, it is traditionally said that this friendship is higher than the Himalayas and deeper than the seas, but this is also a fact, this friendship has turned into brotherhood. They are like iron brothers who cannot be broken, have gone through all kinds of trials and new avenues of cooperation are opening up. China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a great example of this, along with development of Gwadar city, Gwadar port, construction of international airport in Gwadar, construction of colleges and hospitals, establishment of economic zones with CPEC in various cities, Sindh region. A grand example of this is the mega project to generate electricity by extracting coal from ancient coal mines in Thar. Although many strategic projects are going on between the two countries and at the same time work is being done on the installation of nuclear power plants, but the social and economic benefits of CPEC are being reflected on the society in a much better way. Chinese President Xi Jinping had said that Pakistan will make the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor a model of practical cooperation, in which our focus will be on energy, Gwadar Port, infrastructure development and industrial development. This will benefit the people of both countries and other nations of the region.


The vision of the CPEC project is to strengthen the chain of communication. The two nations should be brought closer to each other. To improve the lives of the people of both countries and the countries of the region through the promotion of industry and trade, the leadership of China announced to share its achievements with other nations and the city of Gwadar, which was a small settlement, is now an organized city. is changing International Airport with Gwadar Port will change the fate of the whole area apart from this city. Economic cooperation agreements have also been signed between China and Iran. There are vast opportunities for cooperation, especially in the energy sector.


Gwadar is going to be completely transformed from 25 years ago today, with at least 20 projects in the pipeline. The project to purify water from the sea is also very important while the project for the welfare of the fishermen community is also included. Vocational College and Hospital for Gwadar is a great example of Pak-China friendship. There will be social and economic improvement of the people of Gwadar and it will have far-reaching effects.


Just as Gwadar was a desert and completely backward region in Balochistan, Thar is considered to be the most backward region in Sindh. But with the cooperation of Engro, Sindh Province, Federation of Pakistan and China, its hidden treasures have been made usable. There are vast reserves of coal in Thar, but even after many years of Pakistan's creation, we could not make them usable. Friendly country China signed an investment agreement here. The local population has been evacuated from the affected areas and houses with more facilities have been built for them. Many of them have been trained and given driving jobs. The coal deposits in Thar were below the depth of five hundred feet which was a huge task to extract which was successfully completed and then a modern technology plant was installed, today electricity is being generated from Thar coal. About 2640 MW of electricity is being supplied to the National Grid. This project has laid the foundation for poverty alleviation in Thar which will soon turn into prosperity.


Economic zones have been planned along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Major industrial projects will be set up in these economic zones. Which will provide jobs on a large scale while the domestic production will also increase and the destiny of the people of these areas will change. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has started the links between the two nations. Thousands of Pakistani students are studying in China's educational institutions, a Chinese language learning institution has been established in Pakistan, which is called the Confucius Center. It is based in Karachi University. Similarly, Pakistan's national language Urdu is being taught in eight Chinese universities, many Chinese youth are interested in learning Urdu language. Similarly, the number of Pakistan Study Centers in China has reached 12. It is as if the history, politics, economy and culture of Pakistan are being researched in China. Pakistan China Study Center is established in Islamabad and Pakistan China Friendship Center is also a wonderful gift of the people of China to the people of Pakistan. Karachi Editors Club has formed a Special Committee on Silk Road Media Corridor to counter negative propaganda. The people of both countries continue to improve their lives through economic cooperation projects that will lead to great achievements and embark in a great era of prosperity.

Political Diary 1


Karachi. Political Diary

 Mubasher Mir

 The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh has so far taken briefings on all the departments, and held several review meetings, one thing is coming out that there is no such thing as good governance in every department of Sindh, there is a lot of irregularities and corruption. Several orders of inquiry have also been issued.


Recently, the Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh took a briefing on the Finance Department and specially reviewed the use of funds. This is a task that the previous government did not pay attention to, the PPP government played a key role in getting the 18th amendment passed by amending the constitution in 2010, other parties especially Muslim League (N) and MQ M was openly supportive, the committee headed by Mian Raza Rabbani prepared the draft and it was passed in the parliament without any debate, later more amendments were brought to correct its mistakes, to implement this amendment. A commission was also constituted.


Mian Raza Rabbani was also awarded the highest civil award for this feat, today we can see the fruits of the 18th amendment. The federal government is weak and the provinces have come down to do their own thing. Many problems have arisen with this amendment, as if the vision of the leadership was limited, the provinces were strengthened and the federal government was practically weakened. With this amendment, the Provincial Finance Commission was to be established so that the revenue and income of the province would be good and good in the districts. should be better distributed. But as we saw in other provinces, Sindh province did not give importance to the Provincial Finance Commission which resulted in further increase in poverty in small and backward districts. The local government system has not been made functional, now many districts of the province have reached the lowest level of poverty. The Caretaker Chief Minister of Sindh should have set a guideline for the bureaucracy that if there is a meeting of the Provincial Finance Commission, what is his guideline for formulating recommendations. Obviously, now the bureaucracy says everything is good, but it does not look good. It will also make recommendations keeping in mind its own will and convenience and will also give arguments in favor of it.


Awami National Party Sindh organized a cultural program on the occasion of International Day of Pakhtun Culture, Emil Wali Khan was the chief guest. He said that the harassment of Pakhtuns in the name of Afghan refugees should be stopped in the city of Karachi, the majority of Pakhtuns are settled in Karachi. Afghan refugees are living under the UN Charter. Important people of Pakistan are taking benefits from all over the world in the name of Afghan refugees.

Caretaker Federal Information Minister visited Karachi, Murtaza Solangi also answered questions in Karachi Press Club, in which in response to a question about Mian Nawaz Sharif, he said that he did not break the jail. At that time, he went with the permission of the court and the permission of the government. But it is also known to everyone that he did not go for an indefinite period and in case of non-return within the specified period, the guarantor, Shahbaz Sharif was and is responsible. But it didn't actually happen. Nawaz Sharif went in 2019.


Khawaja Asif has said in one of his TV shows that Nawaz Sharif was sent out of the country by the establishment. But the caretaker information minister's speech appears to be in support of Mian Nawaz Sharif. The Caretaker Information Minister also met the Editors Council, during which he also answered the questions. He said that the editor's department is important in newspapers, but not in other media. It is true that the news quality of newspapers is still better because of the editor. Chances of error are minimized. But if we examine the policy of the government, newspapers are getting very little recognition. Many journalists are now unemployed.


Recently a media group limited its office from Karachi and laid off all the employees. The media and advertising policy of the federal government has caused a lot of damage to this industry. Government agencies have become weak in marketing due to advertising policy. In this regard, the caretaker government should also see how the possibilities of improvement can be created in the newspaper and advertising industry.


Due to the current advertising policy of the federal government, the marketing of many institutions has weakened and they are running at a loss. PIA, Pakistan Railways, Steel Mills are prominent among the loss-making institutions. Such government institutions incur losses of billions of rupees annually and are now considered a burden on the country's economy. The Caretaker Federal Finance Minister has also talked about the privatization of these institutions while the IMF is also demanding the same from us.


Federal government should assign at least 25% shares to the employees of the institution to be privatized. And in the board of directors, at least two directors should be included from the employees' side, thus the protection of the employees' rights will be ensured and it will also be easier to privatize the institution.


Most of the employees are recruited by the political parties so that they can strengthen their union and according to them, the same union officials who win the union elections also strengthen the same party in the general elections. Professionalism is thus lost and businesses suffer due to political support and opposition. Now their only solution is privatization which has become inevitable.


May it be the increase in electricity rates or petrol prices, but MQM and People's Party are not even calling for any protest or rally in Karachi or Sindh. Provincial Ministers of the People's Party, since the completion of the term of the government, are less visible in the events for fear of possible raids. The news of raids by FIA and NAB in the houses of various people has scared them. Any government officials who are reported to be unable to leave the country are also missing from the scene. The leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami Karachi is active in this regard.

People's Party had made a long march against inflation during the Tehreek-e-Insaf government, but now their silence continues. Even on Bilawal Bhutto Zardari's birthday, no big event was held. Former President Asif Ali Zardari has also limited the series of meetings. In view of this situation, it does not seem possible for the election campaign to be more rapid and dynamic. MQM has inaugurated its election office and is trying to rouse its workers, it is to be seen whether they can regain the confidence of the people of Karachi city or not.

Friday 22 September 2023

Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

By: Mubasher Mir

The MQM leadership has strongly criticized Jamaat-e-Islami and accused it of politics of violence. Similarly, the leadership of Jamaat-e-Islami has commented on the political role of MQM that they enjoyed power but did not provide a permanent solution to the problems of the city of Karachi. Politics has been and is happening in the same way throughout the country. It is true that political parties also ignore public issues after coming to power, while political parties have also been accused of adopting violence against their opponents. The city of Karachi has become more unfortunate in the sense that hatred has been fostered here in the name of politics, people have cut each other's throats and thousands of young people of the city have lost their lives, many families have been destroyed and hundreds of families have to save their lives. So they left their businesses and migrated to other countries. This story of persecution exists with facts, but who is responsible for it? It is becoming difficult to determine and accusations are being run as an election campaign.
MQM has started announcing its candidates for the upcoming general election. The name of Syed Hafeezuddin Advocate was given first, now the names of Syed Mustafa Kamal, Iqbal Masood and Humayun Usman have been announced. These four people will be candidates for National Assembly from Karachi. The party has also decided the constituencies but they cannot be finalized yet as they will be finalized when the nomination papers are filed. MQM wishes to field candidates from all over the country, but it is impossible to do so, because such a wish can be made, but it is not practically possible because the political power of MQM is already reduced. It is difficult to field candidates from all over Sindh for this.
The prices of energy sources especially petroleum and electricity gas are increasing day by day. There have been many protests against the recent electricity bills but the caretaker government has failed to provide relief to the people. Gas prices are also being increased. The price per unit of electricity is expected to increase further. Along with this relief, more burdens are being imposed here.
The sharp rise in petroleum prices has paralyzed life, people have started avoiding travel. All political parties including Jamaat-e-Islami, Muslim League Functional and Sindh United are also giving protest statements. However, Jamaat-e-Islami has announced to protest by stopping vehicles. At present, MQM seems deprived of street power, Tehreek-e-Insaaf is suffering from difficulties. Jamaat-e-Islami is the only political party which is regularly protesting on the streets but the government is not giving up. Jamaat-e-Islami has also made fruitful protests. Now, business life has been affected the most by the increase in petroleum prices. The business community is very worried about this as it has resulted in a record increase in food prices. Vendors in markets are charging their own prices. Other services, including transport fares, have also increased. In this way, running the affairs of fasting has become beyond the reach of the common man.
Political parties are issuing separate protest statements on all kinds of public issues but are unable to formulate a common strategy. The solution to Pakistan's problems is for institutions to work together, but political parties do not trust each other. Only political dialogue can pave the way for common struggle. But the people's trust has not been established on any political figure. Therefore, there is growing frustration among the people, which is a sign of danger for the stability of the state. Senior political leaders should engage in dialogue and work on ideas that pave the way for solutions.
People in the city of Karachi thought that the caretaker government would provide some relief, according to the reports so far illegal water hydrants are being raided, but the water supply in the city has not increased and the water tankers have not become cheaper. . These are the reasons due to which the grief of the people is increasing day by day.
In a program of the Pakistan Council of Foreign Relations, there was a lively discussion on the political and economic relations of the five ASEAN countries with Pakistan, in which it was emphasized that Pakistan's trade relations with the ASEAN countries should increase. ASEAN is an economic bloc whose countries have very good diplomatic relations with Pakistan. The consulates of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam participated in the program and various suggestions were given on increasing trade links.
Recently there have been reports of recovery of cash from the basement of a newspaper owner's office in Rawalpindi. His other businesses include housing societies. The victims of Gulshan Kashmir held a protest outside the Karachi Press Club in the city of Karachi. This institution was sold more impressively to the people of Kashmir. According to Alatiz, Gulshan Kashmir is also a housing society of the same newspaper owner. The victims were demanding the government to protect their investments.
The speed of street crimes in the city of Karachi has increased. Bridges are also installed at places, several mobile teams are seen patrolling. Rangers are also present in the city but the street crime is not stopping. Several types of teams are formed. Police stations are also more than ever, but criminals always make a way for themselves.
The figures from January 2023 till now are enough to blow anyone's mind. Along with robbery, they also open fire on people, due to which many people have lost their lives. The police have to increase the use of technology to control these crimes. And at the same time, their safety must be ensured with the help of the public. Similar expectations were being expected from the new Aji Sindh but till now it is becoming difficult for them to handle the situation. There are many meetings of government officials but results are not achieved. For this, the method must also be changed. By which life for the people can come out of the environment of oppression and oppression.