Tuesday 27 August 2019

Insight India: War on Kashmir, is it going to be an end now?

Insight India: War on Kashmir, is it going to be an end now?

Mubasher Mir

He was Lord Louis Mountbatten, the last viceroy of India, who deliberately delayed the announcement of Boundary Commission Report, (Commission was led by Sir Cyril Radcliffe) against his consent. Being, a cousin of the King George VI and distinguished British Royal Navy Officer, Admiral Mountbatten, used this powers unethically and took the decision to change the Boundary Commission recommendations, Tehsil Ferozepur and Zira, and some important areas of District Gurdaspur gave to the India. It was the only land link from princely state Jammu & Kashmir to newly state Bharat. Gurdaspur is adjacent to the state of Kashmir, which (Kashmir) was largely populated by Muslims, about 80%. Hindustan was being divided on Two-Nation Theory; Majority Muslim areas were being included in Pakistan and the rest with Bharat.
It was also Mountbatten’s plan to implement the division of India’s plan in unnecessary hurry, he did not give enough time to transform Hindustan into new born two states, Pakistan and Bharat. Although, Prime Minister of British, Ataley, sat the dead line 1948, for end of British colonial regime in Hindustan. It was all because of Indian congress, they accepted him as First Governor General of India, Jawahar Lal Nehru the first Prime Minister of India was a very close friend of Lady Edwina Mountbatten. After partition she visited many times of Prime Minister India’s House in Delhi. This friendship gave a huge benefit to India and the land link from Kashmir to India ensured, otherwise India used air link to station her troops in Kashmir reportedly. When Kashmir was annexed by India in 1948, Mahraja Hari Singh was reluctant to sign the agreement with India, at that time, by the time; Article 370 (Special status for Kashmir) proved a trap from India for innocent Kashmiris. It was again Governor General Mountbatten who was in favour of India, because Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah refused this proposal to accept him the Joint Governor General of Pakistan and India.
In Jan, 1948, India rushed to UN Security Council to Intervene, after UN Security Council’s resolutions India accepted the Kashmiris right of selfdetermination, but the one of  Kashmiri leader at that time Sheikh Abdullah took the Indian side and became the first Prime Minister of an emergency government in Indian Kashmir on 30th October, 1948.  The United Nations helped to enforce ceasefire between the two countries. The ceasefire line is called the line of control (LOC), now after Simla Accord 1972.
If we look into the previous mediation on Kashmir. Firstly, it was by Canadian President, McNaughton, who gave proposals in 1950, Pakistan accepted but India refused, then Sir Owen Dixan Mission was not also successful India, was not agreed on his proposals. Dr. Frank Graham, who was appointed a UN representative for Kashmir on 30th April, 1951. He gave proposals to demilitarized Kashmir five times, Pakistan accepted his proposals but again India refused to implement according to him. So plebiscite was not happened, and both countries fought three wars including lots of violation on line of control the major mishaps on Siachen & Kargal were happened as well.
Indus Basin Treaty, a famous water accord was signed between India and Pakistan which was not in favour of Pakistan. It was surprised that both countries were signing on distribution of water, which is running from Kashmir, and not a single clause was included about the dispute. It was signed in 1960, and this was also not mentioned that, how it will review, when Kashmir dispute solved. Separation of East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was happened, by the support of India. After Shimla Agreement, 1972, India tested Atomic Capability in Rajasthan in 1974. Then Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi was politically strong enough to change the status of Kashmir so she was succeeded to sign an agreement with Kashmiri leader Sheikh Abdullah in 1975, there was a big change in Kashmir status. Although other Kashmiri Leaders rejected this agreement, but Indian Kashmir was declared a province and sheikh Abdullah became the first Chief Minister of Kashmir. Pakistan did not change the status of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. Then Prime Minister, Z.A. Bhutto was politically very strong and popular on international arena and after Islamic Summit in Lahore among Ummah. I do not understand why Pakistan did not approach UN Security Council on becoming Indian Kashmir a member of Union of India.
After, 1989, when Kashmir struggle started, soon after that severe political unrest started in Karachi. It was absolutely linked with Kabul and Kashmir. It is on record that whenever Kashmiris called on strike against Indian aggression, everybody witnessed, the strike was announced by a political party in Karachi.
The unrest in Karachi was observed, at huge scale and so it proved later that foreign forces were also involved unofficially. At that time an operation clean-up was also started by Federal Govt. but it was considered against political party MQM.
In last three decades, all political and diplomatic struggle gone with the wind to seek Kashmir resolution peacefully. A composite dialogue was occurred at least forty-two months after Kargil War in President Gen. Pervez Musharraf era. India played very cleverly on diplomatic channel and succeeded to Commission Baglihar Power Project of 900 MW, Pakistan was silent on international forums to give support to Kashmir struggle politically, diplomatically and ethically and during this period India worked on proxy war in Afghanistan against Pakistan. India completed the installation of wire on Line of Control which was not allowed on LoC, but the Foreign Office of Pakistan was again showed silence, it’s still a big question.
When Asif Ali Zardari assumed his office as President of Pakistan, he told the media after oath talking ceremony that he will solve the Kashmir issue in one month. In fact he was talking in the light of previous back door channel diplomacy between Prime Minister Vajpayee and President Gen Pervez Musharraf. Gen Pervez Musharraf was in favor of that formula (Chenab Formula) and he was in a hurry to announce but India was reluctant. PM Vajpayee and his foreign affairs team was playing with him, they done their job, first completion of wire on LoC, secondly, keep  Pakistan silent on Afghanistan and Kashmir cause and third one was commissioning of hydro power project on River Chenab that was Baglihar Dam. The most dangerous action which India did during Gen Pervez Musharraf era, was to penetrate in Pakistan’s cultural, business & trade and media industry through high level obliging the concerned people they worked on big political parties, and got soft corner for Indians at every level and created differences successfully on water distribution issue among the provinces. India also created the gap between state and citizens of Pakistan.
They supported secretly in Balochistan, Karachi, Interior Sindh, KPK, Tribal Areas and south Punjab, that was proved after Kulbhushan Jadhav’s arrest in Balochistan. Confession statements of target killers, those were arrested during Karachi operation these are also a strong evidences. The relations between Indian Secret Agency RAW and the London secretariat of MQM and founder Altaf were revealed the truth of that period. After Mumbai Attacks drama, a new controversy started and India quitted from composite dialogue.
When Mian Nawaz Sharif took oath as Prime Minister of Pakistan, he did not show his interest seriously on Kashmir issue. Foreign Affairs Ministry did not perform well because of his interest in business and trade with Indian friends.
He was criticized badly on the so called surprise visit of Indian PM Narendra Modi. He was afraid to appoint foreign Affairs Minister during his tenure. The related stories with Kulbhushan Jadhav were still questions and PML-N has no logical answers about that.
During Prime Minister Imran Khan’s recent visit to USA, when President Donald Trump showed his interest for mediation between the two countries as arbitrator, then India loudly oppose. But surprisingly White House took stand firmly on his words which is remarkable. It has been appreciated at large by Pakistan at all levels.
But I think, it is the duty of British, to take interest to solve this issue which was created by his last Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten, he was the uncle and mentor of Prince Charles, the Crown prince of Great Britain. He played unfairly on behalf of Crown. Now, this is the best chance for Prince Charles to correct the historical mistake rather blunder which was committed by his elders.
Pakistan should be open her eyes, at every moment. India’s major targets are to complete her power projects in Jammu & Kashmir. PM Modi is after his Targets, he is less interested in favour of Kashmir or Kashmiris.
Now, it depends on Pakistan’s diplomatic efforts, that it would be affected because the economic diplomacy of India is very powerful. Its top trade partners will not oppose its stance on Kashmir. If Pakistan failed this time then India will commit more cruelty on Kashmiris.
In case of war, it’s a big question among the international political circles, that what would happen if these two atomic states will go on atomic war. Although it could be a total destruction of this region but one question is valid, that who could do the first strike the answer is simple that if one seems to be looking weak in conventional war then the weaker side could be adventurous and second question is also worth mentioning that could it be possible for the victim side to retaliate for second strike. God knows better, but thinking about this is horrible. One thing is obvious that western world could not be comfortable with Pakistan as an atomic State.

The writer is a PhD Scholar at Karachi University and is President of Karachi Editors Club. He can be reached at: Mubashermir99@gmail.com


  1. Very poor one-sided analyses of the Kashmir problem. Redcliffe drew the partition line on "religion" basis (it is doubtful that Mountbatten made changes to the partition line (according to Ridcliffe, even Lahore (which had greater number of Hindus and Sikh, was allocated to Pakistan on the basis, as Redcliffe puts it, that "Pakistan wasn't getting any major city in Punjab.") Further, the author should know that kings/queens in UK neither interfere nor have the constutional power to overrule decision made by politicians (in this case, by PM Attlee). The essay is b ased solely on author's opinion; sources are lacking for various assertions made by the author. In the view of several publications and essays by various international author, this essay appears to be a "feel good" opinion to satisfy Pakistani readers and Pakistani authorities.No one so from the subcontinent has treated the Kashmir crisis without one's own national prejudices and biases. It is a shame.

  2. Very poor one-sided analyses of the Kashmir problem. Redcliffe drew the partition line on "religion" basis (it is doubtful that Mountbatten made changes to the partition line (according to Ridcliffe, even Lahore (which had greater number of Hindus and Sikh, was allocated to Pakistan on the basis, as Redcliffe puts it, that "Pakistan wasn't getting any major city in Punjab.") Further, the author should know that kings/queens in UK neither interfere nor have the constutional power to overrule decision made by politicians (in this case, by PM Attlee). The essay is b ased solely on author's opinion; sources are lacking for various assertions made by the author. In the view of several publications and essays by various international author, this essay appears to be a "feel good" opinion to satisfy Pakistani readers and Pakistani authorities.No one so from the subcontinent has treated the Kashmir crisis without one's own national prejudices and biases. It is a shame.
