Saturday 29 June 2024

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary
 Mubasher Mir

The 71st birthday of  Benazir Bhutto Shaheed was celebrated , her daughter and Member of National Assembly Asifa Bhutto Zardari cut the birthday cake at the Sindh Assembly Building. On this occasion, memories of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto were refreshed. Benazir Bhutto was elected the Prime Minister of Pakistan twice but both times her tenure was short and the assemblies could not complete their constitutional term. Benazir Bhutto was successful in bringing missile technology to the country in 1989. Pakistan acquired missile technology from North Korea. But today trade between Pakistan and North Korea is negligible. North Korea is also under US sanctions. But She did a great job for Pakistan at that time.
Although the purchase of electricity from private companies was done in the first term of Nawaz Sharif's government, but in the second term of Mrs. Benazir Bhutto's government, more contracts were made due to which electricity consumption in Pakistan increased. After that, several agreements were signed to buy electricity from private companies. The private companies are called IPPs, the purchase of electricity from these companies is beyond the reach of the people of Pakistan. The government also depends on electricity rates and taxes to raise its revenue. Therefore, the country's economy is suffering and domestic consumers are also spending a large part of their income on electricity consumption. People's Party and Muslim League-N are criticized that expensive power plants were installed during the periods of these two parties.
 Benazir Bhutto's daughter, Asifa Bhutto Zardari has discussed the federal budget in the National Assembly, in which she has mentioned the load shedding of electricity across the country. The worst load shedding is also happening in Sindh province while electricity rates are going to increase further. The Pakistan People's Party has assured the Muslim League-N that the government will be supported in passing the  finance bill. Her party's policies from the past to the present have failed to protect the interests of industry and consumers.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari addressed a public meeting in Lyari, but the people of Lyari did not receive the same reception that the leadership of the People's Party received from there. It seems that the People's Party has not been able to fulfill the expectations of the people even in its stronghold, Lyari. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari himself has made his Sindh Cabinet a target for criticism. At present, the speeches of the members of the assembly on the budget are going on in the Sindh Assembly. MQM members are criticizing in a friendly manner while PPP members are calling the budget as people-friendly, as if the real suffering of the people is not being discussed.
Workers of Tehreek-e-Insaaf are trying to protest regarding the release of Imran Khan at various places. But their rally is sabotaged by the police. Women protested outside the Karachi Press Club before their camp was demolished. Police were also active in Korangi to prevent the rally from protesting. According to the current situation, PTI workers have not been able to protest. Tehreek-e-Insaaf MNA's MPA's and local body members are also not very active in organizing protests. At the same time, the People's Party is talking about political dialogue, but in Sindh province, it is not even giving the right to protest to Tehreek-e-Insaaf, rather those who take out the rally are arrested.
A few embankments of the dam in Sukkur have been damaged, although the provincial government has said that it will be investigated, but it should also be remembered that the monsoon will start next month and the way it is hot at that time. , the monsoon can also be erratic. It should be repaired first.
President Asif Ali Zardari is coming to Sukkur to preside over a special meeting on law and order. The situation near Sukkur is very bad due to the bandits of River Area. The President of the State has shown special interest in improving the law and order situation in Sindh, earlier a similar meeting was held in Karachi. This is the second meeting, in this regard, special arrangements are being made for the President's protocol in Sukkur.
The Pakistan Stock Exchange has set a record and the index crossed the 80 thousand mark. Although the business of stock exchange is called speculation, but economists consider it as a barometer of the economy, but it is also criticized by economists that the conditions of the industry are not good in the country at the moment, but the market shares The boom is not real but artificial. But both perspectives exist. If the federal government succeeds in attracting foreign investors, the country can get benefits.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Karachi Political Diary.

 Karachi Political Diary. 

Mubasher Mir

With the advent of Eid-ul-Adha, political activities have been relatively subdued, with the public and politicians taking an interest in buying animals. Due to the huge increase in inflation, the purchase of animals is not showing much speed. Cattle markets have been established in many places in the city of Karachi, according to the business community, this is a huge opportunity for the livestock industry, which accelerates the economy of the people associated with it. Although the municipality faces challenges in terms of sanitation, but if well planned, it is easy to deal with, not impossible.
People associated with livestock say that if the department of the provincial government makes a coherent and systematic plan for the livestock industry, this business can also give the country a lot of foreign exchange. The People's Republic of China has allowed Pakistan to export halal meat, some companies have sold beef to China, but there are vast opportunities to earn more foreign exchange. Millions of acres of land are lying waste in Sindh and Balochistan, both provinces have PPP chief ministers, who can make joint ventures in livestock industry. This will create vast employment opportunities.
The provincial government of Sindh is setting its priorities in the budget, especially for the flood victims, resettlement is a big challenge. Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has also laid out a road map for the Sindh government, which includes public-private partnership program and more adoption of solar systems in addition to services in the social sector.
Solar energy and wind energy is a special gift of nature in Sindh province but it has been largely exploited by the private sector. Government of Sindh should switch to solar energy especially educational institutions and hospitals in interior Sindh.
There has been a deep concern in the public circles about street crimes, robbers have been caught and killed by the public in Karachi, but the robbers snatch goods at gunpoint and kill citizens on the slightest resistance. Most of them were young people, which caused deep concern among the public. This echo was heard in the Sindh Assembly as well. The opposition leader has also criticized the provincial government. The Sindh government is claiming that they are trying to control it, but in reality they are failing.
Former Governor of Sindh, Muhammad Zubair has parted ways with PML-N, he was also criticizing the party policies for some time, he was not very close after the return of Mian Nawaz Sharif, after the formation of the PMLN government. Even he was not invited in the high meetings of the party, the top leadership of the party was also silent in this regard, now he has announced formal separation. Before him, another former governor of Sindh, Dr. Ishratul Ibad Khan, has also announced his political mobilization. Some sources say that efforts will be made to collect many such people in Shahid Khaqan Abbasi's new political party.
Prominent social worker Saram Burni was arrested on his return from  USA, accused of being involved in human trafficking. The FIA ​​is investigating them, Saram Burni and his lawyers are confident that they will come out of trouble but a question arises as to why the system of checks and balances on human rights organizations is weak. ? Saram Burni has been arrested on US complaint while our own system is so weak why? Why would we be able to see these matters by which no organization is guilty of violating any law?
In the ongoing T20 Cricket World Cup in America, the Pakistan team suffered its second consecutive defeat. After losing the first match with USA, it was hoped that with India would play well but the result came against Pakistan. The whole nation was saddened by this. From this it can be inferred that despite all the difficulties and differences, Pakistanis celebrate the victory of their country together and the whole nation gets depressed even when it loses. There is a lot of passion in the Pakistani nation, if it gets the right direction, it can become a great nation.

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Karachi Political Diary

 Karachi Political Diary

 Mubasher Mir

All party conference against unrest and banditry was held in Sindh, which was hosted by Jamaat-e-Islami, but People's Party and MQM did not participate in it. However, JUIF and Tehreek-e-Insaf participated. Prominent personalities include Liaquat Baloch, Haleem Adil Sheikh, Ayaz Latif Plajo, Gulzar Soomro, Syed Karim Abid. In the conference, it was emphasized that there is bandit rule in Sindh, so far, according to reports, 1900 people have been kidnapped for ransom from various places in the past while in few months. 72 people were killed in the incidents of robbery in Karachi.  It can be estimated that how serious the law and order situation is in Province of Sindh.
In this conference, the political leaders have decided to start a protest movement. In this regard, the strategy of holding protest processions,  and rallies will be decided.
Where political parties should protest, outdated laws should also be challenged in courts, information technology people should be brought on a platform and security apps should be introduced to protect people and prevent vehicle theft. The government's interest is only for them, Looks at jobs where more personal benefits can be gained in a shorter amount of time. Working for a lasting solution is not among their priorities. In the light of the statistics that have come out recently, the Safe City project should be completed soon, but it is also showing slowness.
Afaq Ahmed, the leader of MQM Haqiqi, has also targeted K Electric for criticism, as the power crisis has worsened due to severe load shedding in the city of Karachi. Political leaders have to get out of mere rhetorical strategies, though if all political parties meet together with the management of K Electric and try to understand the situation, a solution can emerge through mutual negotiation, Apart from this, The K electric administration also did not try to brief the civil society and media on the power crisis.
There is a gulf between K electric management and public in  communication at that time. K Electric management is reluctant to inform the media about the situation but is afraid to reveal the real situation.
The delegation of MQM has met Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and tried to meet some demands. According to sources, MQM is seeking more representation in the federal cabinet. MQM has not yet succeeded in its attempt to gain public acceptance. On the February 8 election, his importance has been lost and further diminished after the audio-videos of her Leaders were leaked where he ( Mustafa Kamal ) was discussing the credibility of General Elections . Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui has been criticized by former Sindh Governor Ishratul Ibad Khan. Dr. Farooq Sattar and Mustafa Kamal are also asking for more benefits for MQM, in which Sindh Governor Kamran Tesori is also  with their colleague, but MQM is not popularly accepted, although Sindh Governor is somewhat active, and is considered popular.
Maulana Fazlur Rahman met Pirpagada in Karachi and discussed the future political plan. Maulana Fazlur Rahman is in favor of running a strong movement to prove his political weight and strength on the ruling forces but he has not succeeded in it yet.
There is also a public protest regarding the protection of the graves of personalities buried in Islamia College. The daughter of the founder,  Hasna Qureshi has the support of the public that graves should not be desecrated in Islamia College.
The government, after hinting at a big cut in the prices of petroleum products, finally issued a notification of a very small cut. Of course, the Prime Minister of Pakistan Shehbaz Sharif also faced difficulties. Just as it was indicated to reduce the price of petrol by 15 rupees per liter, the government members expressed their happiness on it, the people also sat with hopes, but after the official announcement, disappointment spread. People expressed their outrage on social media.
The Prime Minister's close associates and government spokespersons should note that until a final decision is made, it becomes counterproductive to merely propagate in the media. Thus the credibility of the government is affected. And to some extent people have made fun of government representatives on social media. There is a lot of talk before the federal budget, a bomb has been dropped on the public by increasing the per unit rate of electricity, but no relief is seen in the budget.