Tuesday 6 July 2021

Women role in Water Governance


Women role in Water Governance

Mubasher Mir

I am observing since long in my home my wife and younger sister always trying hard to manage the water usage successfully. While living in Karachi, everybody knows, what the hell is doing under the Nose of politically influential ruling elite in water crisis.


So, we can understand the selfless services of Ladies in house hold. I always observed in my home, my wife used to put a large bottle to collect the air-conditioner water in Summer because she knows well the scarcity of water.


When I was thinking about the water governance, which refers to the political, social, economic and administrative systems in place that influence water’s use and management, then I believe there should be a powerful role of women to tackle the scarcity of water.


We all know, around the world, women and girls are more often responsible for collection and management of water in household.

 This has come in to my knowledge that Sindh Assembly passed the Sindh Water Management (Amendment) Bill, 2018, on 12th January, 2021, this legislation in order to provide for the empowerment of women.


The credit goes to the Sindh Assembly  members but especially Rana Ansar, on MPA, belonging to the MQM (Pakistan) took up this amendment to the bill.

The efforts of “SPO” Strengthening Participating Organization, should be appreciated loudly. The SPO and other civil society organizations head lobbied and carried out advocacy efforts to have this bill passed.


It is matter of rejoice that after the passage of the amendment, women will get representation in around 45000 Water Course Associations more than 350 farmer organization and 14, Area Water distribution boards. The main aim is to enter the Women in water resource management and irrigation structures in Sindh Province.


We are well aware about the issues in water distribution in Sindh Province , because of influential political elites. According to the reliable sources, there is a priority list to get irrigation water from canals in Sindh Irrigation Department. This could be the huge challenge to implement this amendment to empower the women farmers, those who have not political power in the province.


Women are the part of the farming community of Sindh. Besides owning their small land, they also work as farm workers at their neighbour’s land.


Women constitute 49% of Pakistan’s population but only 24% of Pakistan’s Labour force as per the Globle Gender Gap  2018 report. In the recently held provisional census, women (22.956m) are half of Sindh’s total population of 47.883 million which is 48% and they mostly live in Sindh with a dismal literacy rate when compared with the Urban literacy rate.


So, it could be the huge challenge for civil society organizations to train and educate the women farmers to give active participation in water distribution boards and water course associations as members. A short course should be introduced to certify the women farmers to become the active members,


According to the amended bill, two women of the (FO) Farmers organization command Area, of one may be local Union Council member, having strong farming background in irrigated agriculture and water, provided that one women member shall be Land less.

Two prominent women of the (AWB) Area Water Board Command area having strong farming background in irrigated agriculture and water if available,  preferably member of Board of management of any farmer organization. .

It is a responsibility of  (SIDA) Sindh Irrigation Development Authority  to implement this law with letter and spirit. So, SPO (Strengthening Participating Organization)  also facilitated SIDA for the development of rules of business regarding women’s inclusion in farmer organizations, water courses associations and area water board.  Approval of developed ROBs by SIDA law department would be a progressive step for empowering farmers women in the water governance decision making bodies.



According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) women make 77% of farmers in Sindh, which is a huge number. A 2015 study, revealed that women’s role as the farmers has enhanced in last two decades and the major reason behind is that a major chunk of men has left for cities or developed areas for better earnings and escape the landlord system. 


Specially in Sindh, the labour from rural areas are coming to the Urban Sindh, it shows the distrust of previous injustice system of Mazara’s and Harri’s


The recruitment in armed forces of Pakistan has been increased during the last two decades, now it’s about 14% from the Sindh province. So, the female participation as farmers has been increased in rural areas.


The people who are living on the tail end of canals, they told their stories, which are heart breaking, because they could not control their tears while telling the insides about their problems.


Despite owning acres of land, they could not cultivate because water does not reach their lands. They want to live like politically influential farmers. Water has always been wealth in all agricultural areas.


In 1816, at time when the British still ruled the subcontinent Sir, Charles Trevelyan said, “Water is more valuable than land.” His saying is still valid.


The province of Sindh in Pakistan is bestowed with an irrigation network with 14 canals and move than 45000, small channels, and three Barrages.


The participation of women in water distribution structure should be taken as healthy change. Women could be able to implement the drip and sprinkle irrigation system as revolutionary change to overcome the scarcity of water.    






Monday 26 April 2021

Corporate Governance in Banking


Corporate Governance in Banking

Mubasher Mir

I saw a press release, which was released officially by Banking Mohtasib Pakistan (Ombudsman), that 11,732 complaints has been received in his office in the first quarter of 2021, it is 135 percent high as compared to the previous year’s same period, which  was 4994. It is a high level in increase of complaints against commercial banks from banking consumers. This has been also mentioned that 132.62 million rupees has been recovered from commercial banks as compensation for consumers.

 Although it is a big question regarding corporate governance in banking sector of Pakistan, but I was surprised more when I saw the details of Penalties from State Bank of Pakistan to the Commercial Banks. All details are available on the website of   State Banks of Pakistan. Morethan 2200 million rupees has been received as fine from the Commercial Banks during, 2020.

 During the first quarter Jan-may 2020 the 12.800 million rupees fine was imposed on HBL. In the second quarter Apr-June 2020, UBL 137.001, JS Bank 71.417, Meezan Bank 81.060, Faysal Bank 96.128, Bank of Punjab 286.333 (highest in this period), Habib Bank 204.217, MCB 158.474, NBP 269.810,

 Bank Al-Habib 46.802, habib Metro 22.805, Bank al-Falah 40.305, Askari Comm 29.814, Bank Islami 11.517, Punjab Provision Co-operative Bank 81.500, Zari Tariqiati Bank 147.250. these all fines are in millions Pak rupees. This quarter was the worse for banking sector.

 All fines were imposed because irregularities found at high levels, there were also procedural violations.  All actions has been taken by panel and warned to strengthen its process. Third quarter July-Sept, 2020 was quiet low because the fine imposed on four commercial banks, there were, Bank Islami 116.269, Soneri Bank  59.234, Bank of Punjab 10.00 and Al-Barka Islamic Bank 86.119 millions in Pak rupees

 The last quarter of the year was bit low, only unfortunate bank was Habib Metro the penalty imposed 59.516 million in Pak rupees. It was also becomes the violation of instructions. The bank has been advised to conduct an internal inquiry as well.

 All above details is an open evidence that the enforcement action department of state bank of Pakistan is vigilant and it should be more. Actually these fines are could be the real loss of account holders or the consumers of commercial banks.

 The question raises, why the corporate governance in banking sector of Pakistan is so poor and the ignorance and negligence in the system. The answer is very simple that there is a political influence and sethia business style in Pakistan. So, the Board of Directors have no professional approach, according to the requirement of the market, because of the poor corporate governance, fake account holders were found in two commercial banks (flooda wala and paper wala etc), summit bank and UBL are two major examples.

 So, its  unfortunate, the corporate governance in banking sector is not improving as required.

 As we all know, what are the main features of corporate governance, firstly the Transparency in operations, accountability becomes on second and the last but not the least is the fairness in dealing. We all have remembered the case of Khadim Ali Shah Bukhari Bank, how it was handled, technically and politically. Mehran Bank scandal was also handled politically. The recent example of  HBL New York Branch, where heavy penalties were imposed and the National Bank case in Bangladesh, where operations have been suspended due to violations. Right now, some presidents of Commercial Banks are facing the cases in NAB

 It is a matter of displeasure that in most of the banks, there are lobbies in employees where unhealthy practices are going on. Government is trying to improve the workforce to empower the women, but so called lobbies are the major hurdles to improve the member of professional and talented females in financial sector. Pakistani Women is facing the huge problems, whether she is working or trying to be a member of earning bread for her family.

 Although in urban society, there are opportunities but in rural society, there are a lot of difficulties, even in corporate sector. First Women Bank was as good initiative for Women empowerment by then first Lady Prime Minister, Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto .but  because poor corporate Governance. Now this institution has been considered as liability.

 How we can improve the situation, this is the big challenge for corporate sector, especially in banking. The performance of human resource departments in corporate sector is very much poor. I have observed an HR Department of a commercial bank, where they are always busy to conduct written tests and interviews for new comers, but actually it’s an eye wash. In fact they have a policy to pick and choose according to the will and wish of powerful internal lobbies or sethes Approval.

 So they are not honouring the talent and professionalism. There are some pocket unions, which are more powerful than board of directors. So the result is obvious. As we know thre are banking academies and banking institute but even then need to promote professional studies during job as well.

State Bank of Pakistan is promoting Islamic banking but there as need to introduce Islamic banking courses in Universities. Shariah book should be represented all FIQQA’s and Islamic School of thoughts, it will improve the products and services.

 Most of the account holders do not know, what the hell is going on, where he or she have trust to deposit his/her savings .

 The state bank of Pakistan should publicise the violations of commercial banks in Urdu, English and regional language newspapers, on the end of every quarter.

 This could be the best way to evaluate the services and credibility of banks. This publicity can also helpful to improve the corporate governance in banking.

 We should not ignore the consumers because they are the actual stakeholder of every market or business sector. If the consumers is satisfied then your organization can flourish by leaps and bounds.



Monday 22 February 2021

Growing challenge of cyber security


Growing challenge of cyber security

Mubasher Mir


It’s a common thing now-a-days that many of us are receiving fake messages on different mobile networks that there is a good news for you that you could receive a handsome amount; for details please contact on these numbers. Some simple people are trapped and are being looted through fraud and hacking. Hackers can operate anytime from anywhere. The most favorite sector of hackers is the banking system. It is considered and a proven fact throughby various reports that this system still hasloopholes.

As we all know, Pakistan suffered the largest cyber attack on its banking system in the last days of October, 2018. It was the worse and most unfortunate day when over 19,000 debit cards worth 2.6 million US dollars from 22 Pakistani banks were found to be stolen by cyber thieves, better known as hackers.

The most of the hackers belonged to Russia, but unfortunately, we were unable to protest or pursue this case because there was no mechanism to stop these unethical and unlawful practices. The virtual world is still like that; the hackers are still enjoying unsecure digital world.

Although Pakistan took several measures to save the banking system but the cyber robberies are happening in any case. One Time Password (OTP) system was introduced by the State Bank of Pakistan for foreign and online transactions. It’s more secure and reliable.

In this present world, information is more precious than any metal. Thousands of secret services and social networks are trying to get data through various tools and methods. Their prime purpose is to get first-hand information and knowledge about the people, which is most important on this earth. So, the personal data is precious as well as the thoughts.

The business scenario on this earth is as important as politicalissues. Most of the entities have their prime object is to get wealth; some are trying to earnit while few are trying to grabit. But it is a reality whether we accept it or not.

Although this digital world looks very attractive but no one is sure whether it is secure or not. It is fact that no-one is convicted for committing digital crime in Pakistan. That’s why people are indulging in taking risk of cyber attack on data banks of financial institutions.

A famous cyber robbery was observed in MCB, DHA Phase IV, Karachi where the Operation Manager was allegedlythe culprit. Handsome number of depositors were hit by him for a total amount of around 200 million rupees.

Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) took the notice of this activity and arrested the Operation Manager of the branch. The major amount was recovered. Now, most of the commercial banks have system to reconcile their accounts on daily basis, but according to reliable sources,the MCB is still following the previous practice to reconcile their accounts i.e. on weekly basis.

The above-mentioned cyber robbery occurred because of this weak, poor and lethargic way of working in the above-mentioned institution.

After COVID-19, E-commerce and online system including banking has been increased. It’s the need of the hour to have a more secured and reliable digital system, especially in the financial sector. The guidelines should be revisited by the regulators concerned. It should be directed by the Ministry of Information &Technology that the cyber governance should be proactive. It is unfortunate that the draft of data protection law is yet to be presented in the Parliament.

Although aPersonal Data Protection Authority has been proposed but when it will be passed from both the Lower and the Upper houses, nobody knows. I wonder, the lawmakers are not concerned over the intensity of the situation.

There is a National Response Center for Cyber Crimes (NRCCC) but they have no mechanism to prevent the system from hackers. Unfortunately, ethical hackers are very much here in Pakistan, there is a need to develop the cyber soldiers to secure the Digital System. Corporatebanking and some public sector organizations including defence institutions are heading towards the paperless era. There will be no written back-up in the organization’s record room.

So, the digital security shield is more important than any other defence system. However, every institution is seriously working to make its system safe and secured, but we should keep it in mind that the dark webs are also here.Thus, developing the cyber army is the futuristic approach.

Now a days, most of the countries are developing their cyber armies. Some reports show that India has more thanten thousand cyber soldiers, whereas the most trusted neighbor of Pakistan, people’sRepublic of China has more than one million cyber security experts. Interestingly, India has its cyber army, which is called Defence Cyber Agency (DCA) is Tri service command of the Indian armed forces. According to media reports, Pakistan Army indentified in August 2020 that the major cyber-attacks on Pakistani websites were from Indians.

I found a Facebook page named Pakistan Cyber Army (PCA) having more than 26,000 followers but it is a private group of Pakistanis. Cyber security experts are trying to defend the Pakistani websites. There is a need to develop an institution of cyber security experts in Pakistan officially.The Federal Government should be vigilant in this regard so as to deal with this challenge.


The writer is Resident Editor of Daily ‘Pakistan’ Karachi and President of Karachi Editors Club. He can be reached at: mubashermir99@gmail.com

Thursday 7 January 2021

Conflict of interest


Conflict of interest

Mubasher Mir

This word is known to me as its definition defines that a Situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in his official capacity, but I witnessed this situation as member of Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi and observed more as the candidate in Arts Council’s Elections. It was really an interesting and learning experience. It reveals on me that a worse condition of conflict of interest is existing in Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi.
The person, who is in power since 2008 has an all in all position in helm of affairs of the oldest cultural Institution of Pakistan. The real story behind the success is having an authority to enroll new membership as voters.
This is the same story of every association or trade body in Pakistan. Not even those organizations, but also the whole nation has been indulged in conflict of interest whether Politics or Civil and Military Bureaucracy.
So, the state pillars, Parliament, Administration and Courts are being ruined because of this curse. That’s why a mafia like situation is prevailing in the whole society. It’s a strong observation about our country that in Pakistan anyone from a regulator agency can also work with any other commercial entity without any problem. This gives rise to conflict of interest, when someone’s judgment can be influenced or perceived to be influenced by a personal, financial or other interest.
There has been many examples in the history of Pakistan about conflict of interest since 14th August, 1947. But in the recent past, the situation became worse and worse. The extension of as Army Chief of Gen. Zai-ul-Haq and Gen Pervaiz Musharraf was absurd by all means. Succession in Political parties created strong hold of families.
In Governance, it created nepotism and corruption at all levels. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah strongly pointed out the curse of nepotism and corruption in his first speech on 11th August, 1947. Unfortunately our rulers has been failed to act on the guide lines of the father of the Nation.
The English newspaper Dawn reported in its 5th Jan, 2017, web edition regarding the Supreme Court of Pakistan proceedings in Panama papers, Justice Asif Saeed Khosa asked the Makhdoom Ali Khan counsel of then PM, that the Prime Minister Mian Nawaz Sharif was using his official position for transfer of money in 1997. It was also a worse example in Governance. An other example regarding the appointment of Country Director of World Bank in Pakistan then Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf appointed his Son-in-Law for the same.
Recently, the digital Pakistan foundation related to Prime Minister Imran Khan, flagship Digital Pakistan initiative has come under conflict of interest although Tania Aidrus, amid of this controversy resigned because of her nationality but it created bad example of personal interest.
It’s a long list of unethical practice in Government affairs at lower, middle and higher level, which is shameful for our society. It looks the ethics has been vanished and only personal motives are prevailing.
A shameful example has been existed for nominations of women in Parliament (Provincial and National Assembly) on special seats. Although it was created for the empowering of women in political arena, but the party leaders and influential political personalities are using this radical constitutional amendment in favour of their families. That’s, why, since 2002, its impact is not like that as it was conceived. Many talented and deserving women political workers are deprived to become the member of the Assembly.
Conflict of interest, could be addressed positively by rising the ethical and moral values in the society and culture. Unfortunately, our moral values has been declined in political culture especially. Immoral and unethical values are against the spirit of Islam and any other religion as well. In recent times, it’s a worse shape of exploitation, which is totally forbidden in spiritual and Islamic spirit. State and society is being ruined because of this unethical practice.
It is the high time to prevent this curse by law. It will be in the interest of state and people, The intelligentsia should take the responsibility to build the public opinion and awareness among the lawmakers. This unethical practice is against the human rights because it affects the equality and level playing field for every citizen of the state. Because of this, democracy is being labeled with wested interests not the service to mankind in Pakistan.
National and Provincial Assemblies and its nurseries like trade bodies, chambers of commerce and industry, labour unions and the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi as well are badly indulged in this unethical practice.
Conflict of interest Act, could be helpful to save the society and restore the value for Good Governance in Public sector.
The last but not the least, the great saying of Hazrat Imam Ali A.S. that, a Society or State can survive with infidelity (Kufr) but not injustice.